Hello All


Sep 24, 2011
Hi everyone,
I'm new to this site, but have been a member of droidforums.net for a couple years. I am hoping to buy a new tablet soon. I was in the local hhgregg yesterday and actually picked up an ARCHOS ARNOVA on clearance, which I promptly returned.

I guess my main question is, is there a thread/forum that allows the site users to rank different tablets? I would like to get some input from real world users for some of the different brands out there without spending the next 3 days researching all of them separately.

Perhaps after that, I can use the site a bit more for different things, but for now, I just wanna know where to throw my money.
Hello himdroidSC, welcome to the Android Tablets forum. The Android Tablet Discussions area of our forum is generally the place where folks go for tablet buying information. Just follow the link in the previous sentence and I think you'll find what you're looking for. Once you get it narrowed down, I'd also suggest going to the section of the forum for that particular tablet to see what the folks who own one think about it. Good luck!