Hello and Help!!

Hi Debbie,

It's not clear at this point whether you have been able to successfully load and play movies yet. So, I will throw in my two cents:

First, some questions:

What type of file format are you trying to play?
What apps are you trying to load but can't find?
Have you checked the system/settings/applications to see if the apps have indeed been installed?
Apps load on the A500 differently than they would on an iPad. Unless you have your tab set to load new app shortcuts onto the home page, they will only show up in "apps", which you access in the upper right hand of the home page.

As mentioned before, a file manager is very handy to be able to find and open files on your tablet. I use File Manager HD (made for android tablets). It is free from the Android Market. If you load it and open it, the main directory on your tablet's internal memory will be the default location. If you go "up" one level, that will take you to a directory of all the available storage media (/sdcard, /external_sd, and /usb_storage). You can copy/cut/paste files from/to those directories using this or another file manager. Also, you can load any files onto the tablet's internal memory by using your PC an navigating the internal storage folders (downloads, documents, movies, etc.)

Some media players have built-in file explorer/managers. So, you can view the media files in various locations on your tablet through the explorers in those apps. The included clear.fi player automatically detects and categorizes media files on your tab as well as on other pcs on the same network. It hasn't been

I have had great success with MOBO Player. If you download the app from the market and the latest mobo codec file, you should be able to play most video files without a problem. Like one other poster said, though, if these movies are from iTunes, they will possibly be protected (drm) and unable to play on anything but the iDevice registered to that iTunes account.

There are many software tools available to convert media/video files to more useable formats. Handbrake is one that is very useful and free. But if you are just having trouble loading and locating the files, then this might not be necessary.

Let us know what you have tried and is not working, then we can provide you with much more helpful answers and solutions.

BTW - I believe the A500 is much better than the iPad for many reasons. It is much more versatile. It is expandable. It has ports (usb, microsd, hdmi). It is rootable and customizable unlike the locked/closed system of IOS. I took mine to Europe in June with my family. We took 25 movies on a portable hard-drive to watch in airplanes and hotels. We downloaded pictures from 4 cameras daily. we used it for navigation (google nav is not available on iDevices). Most of this cannot be done with an ipad.

Hope this helps.
Hi I've downloaded mobo player which is working fine, I only have a 8g sdcard so I was trying to transfer onto my device is it possible? Thanks for you help 8)

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
Yes. You can move items onto the internal storage of the device. You need to use a file manager and cut and paste. Generally, you can tap-and-hold an item to bring up an edit menu. Cut or copy from where the file is to where you want to put it.
Hi I've downloaded mobo player which is working fine, I only have a 8g sdcard so I was trying to transfer onto my device is it possible? Thanks for you help 8)

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum


If you use a file manager, or ar least some of them, they will allow you to copy and paste to any directory you like just by tapping the selected file and pressing an icon situated on the lower left hand side of the screen - there is a table looking icon which give you various options - you may have worked it out by now.

Once you've selected the file and selected the copy operation, browse to the location on the INTERNAL SDCARD/movies (or any other suitable folder or make one of you own on the INTERNAL SD). Then select the operation icon, edit, paste. The copying process should begin.


I use FILE EXPERT. When I want to access the external SDCARD. I browse to EXTERNAL_SD. Then browse to the movie I want to copy. I tap the tick box on the right hand side of the screen in the same line as the movie. Then I select the operation I want like COPY. After that I browse to the SDCARD folder then browse to the MOVIES folder and once in that folder select the paste operation and it should work fine.

Hope this helps.