Hello everyone!


Oct 11, 2011
My name is Alonso, first time tablet user, long time Android follower.

I started on the Android world just as the OG droid was being released (almost 2 years now) since then I had just my OG and my Tbolt. My whole family are android users as well. At home you can find my Transformer, OG, Tbolt, DInc,2 Droid X's, and 2 SGSII.

About a 10 months ago I started my own blog dedicated to android customization from A to Z.

Now, just a few days ago I bought my first tablet, Asus Transformer TF101 and that's when I found the need to join the forum.

Being a long time member of Droidforums, Android.net and Thunderbolt forums.

Hope to make a few good friends while in here and hope to contribute to this community as well.

Peace! :cool:
Hello Alonso, welcome to Android Tablets Forum. Glad you decided to become a member. Congratulations on your new transformer, if you need any help with it just click this link to go to the Asus Tablets section of the forum.