Hello Everyone!


Senior Member
Aug 16, 2013
Just wanted to say hi and thanks for this forum. I've have been following for a little while, and now I've finally joined. I currently don't own an android device- did have a HTC but no more. However, I'm currently in the market for an Android Tablet, so I'll defo be looking for advice as well as contributing my thoughts on whichever device I get! :)
Hi, k1tsun.

Welcome to our Forum.

Could you please be a tad bit more specific about what kind of tablet you are looking for : cheap Chinese or inexpensive name-brand? Size is also important : 7", 8", 9" or 10"? The world of Android offers up a vast array of devices. Choose which flavour suits you best, today. And, monitor the Forum for future updates.
Hi! Thanks for the reply. I posted in another area of the forum for feedback. I'm looking for something reliable that I can use for work/study and gaming/entertainment when travelling. I'm happy with a cheaper known western brand or a Chinese tablet. My main concern with the Chinese tablets is find a reliable seller, preferably a dealer in the UK or EU so there are no import fees.

Minimum: Quad-core; 1GB RAM; 16GB Storage; MicroSD slot; 7.9"-9.7" (preferably a 9"); HDMI; 6hrs+ battery life
Prefer: Cortex-A9 over other Quad-cores; 2GB RAM; 8hrs+ battery life

Budget: Under £200

I've been looking at PiPo M6, M7Pro and U8, as well as Sumvision, which I understand is a rebranded PiPo.

I've already found lots of good info on the forum, but still not enough to make a purchase.

Hi, k1tsun.

Welcome to our Forum.

Could you please be a tad bit more specific about what kind of tablet you are looking for : cheap Chinese or inexpensive name-brand? Size is also important : 7", 8", 9" or 10"? The world of Android offers up a vast array of devices. Choose which flavour suits you best, today. And, monitor the Forum for future updates.
My main concern with the Chinese tablets is find a reliable seller, preferably a dealer in the UK or EU so there are no import fees.

An American reseller out of Hollywood, California that has had decent comments posted on this Forum is SprintTablet. They carry PIPO and the new Ainol Novo Quad Core Series line.