Hello from Buzzman/kgs- North Jersey, USA


Senior Member
Dec 8, 2010
I breathed a sigh of relief when I found this forum. :) I passed up a viewsonic g tab for the Huawei s7 ($100 cheaper and more versatile).

I am of the older gen. who loves to tinker. I bought my very first computer that I didn't have to share with anyone in 2007. I love my asus 1005h. Then look out. It all started with the samsung original blackjack i607- hacked that to death and loved it. Then to all 3 garmins in our house. Then it was time to retire the blackjack and I wanted an iphone but couldn't justify the price so I got the LG incite for one penny. Horrible out of the box. I found the incite community and what they did with that phone was amazing. I still love it but moved on to the iphone 3gs(JB) when they dropped their prices. Love that too. Wanted an Ipad, but too expensive and too locked up.

I also found e-readers around 2005. Started with the e-bookwise. Moved onto the libre pro and nook. Missed the back lit feature and got the Wht PDN. That started a great hack experience thru Slatedroid.com and my first android device. Took it as far as the developers could go, But it became so frustratingly slow to use it as a tablet that for my x-mas present from me to me was this H s7. Christmas came early. I have had this tablet 24 hrs. It has great potential.

These are my problems. I have formatted the external sd in the tablet, removed and put my epub files in the import folder inside the ebooks folder on the card. The H S7 doesn't see it. Aldiko can't find any books to import. But the cover art did find its' way into the photo gallery on the tablet. So something is connecting.

My computer- (win xp)- can't see the info on the internal or external sd cards. The cards show up in my computer as e and f drives, but no information is visible.

So, do I have the correct driver since something shows up when connected in usb port?
even though no info is visible on the e and f drives?

I am reading this forum from cover to cover. This is the best resource I have found in the 3 days I have been looking for this particular tablet. Hopefully I can solve my problems with your help.

Problem 2- I have apks that I would like to sideload onto either card. Since I can't see the cards, I can't drop the apks in.

Also, are android 1.6 apks from the pdn workable on this android 2.1? or Are they not interchangable?

I can't offer technical expertise but I can offer something else. An economical protective cover that is a good fit, cheap, and nice looking. The cost is $6.99 plus velcro. A great do it yourself cover that is super easy. I'll post in regular forum a how to.

Thanks for reading my long winded into!:eek:


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These are my problems. I have formatted the external sd in the tablet, removed and put my epub files in the import folder inside the ebooks folder on the card. The H S7 doesn't see it. Aldiko can't find any books to import. But the cover art did find its' way into the photo gallery on the tablet. So something is connecting.

My computer- (win xp)- can't see the info on the internal or external sd cards. The cards show up in my computer as e and f drives, but no information is visible.

So, do I have the correct driver since something shows up when connected in usb port?
even though no info is visible on the e and f drives?

1. Hate to sound like a broken record, but a lot of people miss enabling this on the device side too. Be sure to fully MOUNT your device drives via the Notifications pop-up
2. Another option is to simply ADB push the files to the device, then you only connect the USB cable and open ADB
3. If you are using the File Manager that came with the device by default, dump it and get Astro File Explorer from the market.

these MIGHT fix some of these issues

Problem 2- I have apks that I would like to sideload onto either card. Since I can't see the cards, I can't drop the apks in.

Also, are android 1.6 apks from the pdn workable on this android 2.1? or Are they not interchangable?

Some are, some aren't. Without specifics it is hard to answer that question.
Again, ADB push the apks to your sdcard first, and then try Apps Installer from modmyGphone.com to see if it automagically finds the apps on your device. Remember to allow non-market apps in your settings.

Good luck and welcome!
Thanks again pbrauer and I'll let you know how I make out. I was never too comfortable with line programming and found out that .bat files worked great for me. I assume android is android and the same system will work with 2.1 and this tablet as with the PDN. Just root the tablet and away I go!

I always felt my way along sort of knowing what I was doing and it mostly worked! I wonder if I will ever really know what I am doing??? Hence my motto- "never be afraid to try...just know where your back up is when you screw up!".

And sometimes broken records finally get the message across...lol;) Thanks!

1 more question. If I get apks to load on either card( does it matter which one?), will it take up space in the 180 mb of reserved data for market apps? or can you load as many as will fit the card? (not that I will- just curious!)

If I figure out how it works I will post which pdn apps also work on the H s7.


solved- sideloading apks- All pdn apks for android 1.6 works on the Hs7 android 2.1(did not need to use ADB)- Just dropped them on the external sd card and installed via apps installer.

solved- books now loading into aldiko ( epub files need to be on the internal sd card- important to work)
solved- rooted with z4root (latest version works- found on xda developers site).?(1.13)? Earlier versions did not work

still funky- my win xp still looks for software and drivers to make new hardware (tablet) run. I disregard the pop up window, do what I want to do, and it works. But my computer states the hardware may not function due to lack of software.
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