Hello from Oregon!


Sep 14, 2011
Hey all. My name is Jason and I just joined up. I have been following the site for a couple months now and love all the info you folks come across. I am currently tabletless, and am moving from a netbook into a new one shortly I hope. Waiting for the Toshiba Excite personally, and so far this site has helped with info on that a lot! Thanks for all the works guys!
Welcome, and glad to have another join the forum. What about the Toshiba are you getting it/waiting for?

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
Hey Jason, welcome to the forum. Nice that you could join us here.
FoFoJoe, I am am being pretty picky about my first tab only because it is going to basically be a full replacement for my netbook. I will still have a desktop to work with for some things but otherwise it is the tab only. The Excite has all the ports I want, the up-rated processor is nice and of course the size is awesome. Plus I have read that Toshiba is saying it will get ice cream sandwich which is also a requirement for me honestly. With the rumored full usb device support and the other advantages I want one that is for sure getting that update ota. I am not brave enough to flash my tab with a new rom even if one comes available so I want to try and have the max features out of the box. Of course this might get complicated depending on how rich the price is when they announce that...

Thanks for the warm welcome guys!
Flashing a new rom or kernel is pretty simple, but I see what your saying. Sounds like a good tab ;)

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
Yeah I would be comfy doing it myself, but even with an admittedly low % these days the chance of bricking it scares me to death. I can't spend 500+ twice.