batfish Super Moderator Staff member May 26, 2011 29 1 May 26, 2011 #1 Hello, I was resarching to buy a new tablet and ran into this site, looking foward to browsing the forums and finding the right tablet for me
Hello, I was resarching to buy a new tablet and ran into this site, looking foward to browsing the forums and finding the right tablet for me
uplade3 Super Moderator Staff member Apr 29, 2011 751 62 May 26, 2011 #2 Welcome to the site! You won't be dissapointed! Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk! Eat that Apple!
Welcome to the site! You won't be dissapointed! Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk! Eat that Apple!
wicked Administrator Staff member Mar 16, 2011 674 80 May 26, 2011 #3 Welcome aboard! Glad you found us!
B beastman Member May 8, 2011 351 7 May 27, 2011 #4 Where in tx are you? Are you going to the Android BBQ in Austin? If you're in Austin, you can come to to the Austin Android usergroup and see some tablets. Sent from my PC36100 using Android Tablet Forum
Where in tx are you? Are you going to the Android BBQ in Austin? If you're in Austin, you can come to to the Austin Android usergroup and see some tablets. Sent from my PC36100 using Android Tablet Forum
batfish Super Moderator Staff member May 26, 2011 29 1 May 27, 2011 Thread starter #5 thank you all for the warm welcome I'm near Dallas, Texas. That android BBQ does sound nice
Droid-Xer Super Moderator Staff member Mar 30, 2011 586 38 May 27, 2011 #6 Welcome. I'll be missing the BBQ but I'll be there for ACL!
B beastman Member May 8, 2011 351 7 May 27, 2011 #7 ACL has gotten to expensive and AWAY from country. Last time I went, Willue Nelson played. Sent from my PC36100 using Android Tablet Forum
ACL has gotten to expensive and AWAY from country. Last time I went, Willue Nelson played. Sent from my PC36100 using Android Tablet Forum
Droid-Xer Super Moderator Staff member Mar 30, 2011 586 38 May 28, 2011 #8 Well ACL has stayed eclectic. I like the mix of different genres as opposed to just one.