Hello from the UK


May 17, 2013
Hello All!!

I'm new to the forum but I have been reading up on a good few threads recently.
I originally had a few iPhones then moved to Android last year. Since then I have been looking into getting a tablet for using back and forth to work. (I'll save that for the 'what shall i buy' thread in the tablet discussion thread.

Anyway, Just saying hello!!
Hello Michty, welcome to the forum. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets. When you order that new tablet, try to read http://www.androidtablets.net/forum...-one-guide-how-start-your-android-tablet.html before it arrives and after you get it please go to your profile and fill in the Tablet / Device entry. That way folks will know which tablet you have without you having to tell them every time. Enjoy the forum!