Hello, howdy and greetings!


Jan 3, 2012
Hello! I am new to the 'tablet' world and so far I'm liking it. I have a Pandigital Supernova 8" tablet that I received for Christmas. What's funny is that before in the week leading up to Christmas, my mother and I were out at one of the local malls and stopped in to the Apple store to just look around. I was showing my mom the latest iPhone (the only "i" product I own is a Nano) and iPad2. While the latest iPhone looks pretty cool, I'm a bit ambivalent about ditching the cel phone I already have now as I don't talk too much on it to begin with.

Anyways, getting this tablet for Christmas was a big surprise for me. I've already installed a few apps, games and books on it. I am having an issue with it at the moment (which I've already posted in the other section of the forum) which I think might stem from the latest firmware update, but that's for the other section!

I'm looking forward to exploring the forums on this board!

Christian -

Congrats on your new tablet!

Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here.

Hello Christian, congratulations on the new tablet and welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us as a new member.