Hello everyone, my name is Marilyn and I am most definitely a newbie! I have had an Android Google 2.1 HDMI 7" MidX5A Epad for just a couple of days and so am just playing with it at the moment, love it so far.
I am not a young person, in fact, here in the UK I have what they call a "bus pass" which means you have to be over a certain age to get one! I do, however, love my desktop and my laptop and now have ventured into the tablet area. My grandchildren are most impressed with my knowledge (sorry if that sounds as if I am bragging)
, in fact, my granddaughter's friends think I am
cool because I have a touch telephone. I just love to learn about all things technical. Setting up new devices do not scare me in the least, just taken apart (with instructions) an old laptop, put it back together and it is still working - no left over screws
Back to my Tablet, I have a couple of questions to post which I will do on the forum.
I am not a young person, in fact, here in the UK I have what they call a "bus pass" which means you have to be over a certain age to get one! I do, however, love my desktop and my laptop and now have ventured into the tablet area. My grandchildren are most impressed with my knowledge (sorry if that sounds as if I am bragging)
Back to my Tablet, I have a couple of questions to post which I will do on the forum.