Hello Im new to forum.


Dec 31, 2011
Well as an introduction to myself. Hmm where to start lol. Ill keep it short :) I have a background in the IT field 4 years of college at a Georgia Technical College but its not my current ocupation. My training is a bit out of date from around the time period of the transition from Windows XP to Vista at the end of my training so I know verry little about tablets. I recently bought a tablet for my autistic daughter to use as a comunication device and have been hitting my head against a wall trying to install some apps so I decided to look for a suport comunity and here I am. I am somewhat comfortable with Linux but that was not in the courses offered at the College i went to untill after i was gone so most of what i know is self taught and mainly on Ubuntu.
Welcome, we will try to help. What kind of tab did you get?

sent from my HTC Thunderbolt
Hello htims, nice to have you here as a member of the forum.
Welcome, we will try to help. What kind of tab did you get?

sent from my HTC Thunderbolt

Thanks I got one of the cheap coby kyros mid7012s. I Will post specific qustions to my issues in the proper forum later today after ive had time to look thrru the form for self help. Will try to be a responsible member and only ask questons after i searh the forrums for the answer myself.
I Will post specific questions to my issues in the proper forum later today after I've had time to look thru the forum for self help. Will try to be a responsible member and only ask questions after i search the forums for the answer myself.

Suddenly, it's even nicer to have you as a member of the forum.:cool: