Hello! New member, Looking for advice/opinions


May 11, 2012
Hi everyone, I purchased the Sony Tablet almost 2 months and love it! I've had a iPhone for years and knew when ready to buy a tablet it wouldn't be a giant version of my cell phone.. I love the android platform and enjoy discovering new apps not offered from Apple. The Sony tablet if perfect! I have a Sony TV, Vaio touchscreen desktop and PS3 so the tablet was an easy choice for me. It has however exceeded my expectations and was worth the price for me.

Heres where the advice comes in, I plan to buy my mother in a law a tablet soon and have no clue which one! Occasional web browsing, she'd probably purchase books every now and then but her daughter is long distance and hear impaired, they rely on email and online text messages to keep in touch. A tablet like my Sony for her is out of her league, on a computer she can open email and send that's about it :) Any suggestions on a super user friendly, reliable email and web browsing device,probably under $200? I've looked at the Kindle Fire but Id rather get a tablet. Thanks :)
Hi Smorin, welcome to the forum. It's nice to hear you're so pleased with your Sony Tablet and the Android platform. Glad you decided to become a member of Android Tablets and join us here. The best place on the forum for "shopping" information and recommendations is the Android Tablet Discussions section. I'm going to move your thread over there for you so folks can discuss your tablet requirements with you and hopefully make some suggestions. Enjoy your tablet and the forum! Hope you find exactly what you're looking for.:eek: