Hello (with a cruz surprise)


Nov 3, 2010
Hi everyone...

Been lurking around multiple forums lately, trying to find a good tablet before an upcoming deployment...thought the new Viewsonic at Sears was going to be my only hope...however, went to my local Best Buy tonight...saw the Cruz Reader... I was like cool...that's finally on the shelf, what about the tablet. I asked them to search the region and they found 2x Tablets at the Best Buy in the next small city over...Macon Georgia for any interested parties...well I've now got one of them...thrilled and looking to customize it, etc.

So far, it seems to be doing good. Couple of times it went a little slow, but no complaints. It came w/ both a 4 and 8 gb SD card...so that was an unexpected surprise.

If anyone knows of anyone w/ experience gaining root on this device, etc, please show me the way to their forum.
Hi everyone...

Been lurking around multiple forums lately, trying to find a good tablet before an upcoming deployment...thought the new Viewsonic at Sears was going to be my only hope...however, went to my local Best Buy tonight...saw the Cruz Reader... I was like cool...that's finally on the shelf, what about the tablet. I asked them to search the region and they found 2x Tablets at the Best Buy in the next small city over...Macon Georgia for any interested parties...well I've now got one of them...thrilled and looking to customize it, etc.

So far, it seems to be doing good. Couple of times it went a little slow, but no complaints. It came w/ both a 4 and 8 gb SD card...so that was an unexpected surprise.

If anyone knows of anyone w/ experience gaining root on this device, etc, please show me the way to their forum.

is it the Cruz Reader or Cruz Tablet?
I got the Cruz tablet.

I got it from Best Buy on the 4th (Jan. 31 return date, since we're in "Christmas retail season"). I had talked to Velocity and they indicated that Best Buy would likely have it first.

It was in the computer department, whereas the reader was in the MP3 player department. MP3 guys were psyched up about it (Android tablet), computer guys were unaware.

It comes with Borders link, Dr. Eye (dictionary), Office Suite, Astro (file management), eBuddy (txt & messaging), CruzSynch (cloud synch), Browser (starts in anadroid-google), Gallery (for images), PlaysVideo (for supported videos), Cruz Market (with a few free apps, currently), and WiFi settings.

I tried viewing some .wma files, they played for a few seconds, sound desynching from video before freezing. I don't know Android, so am not sure by what mechanism they started. I simply tapped on the SD card file from Astro.

Many phone apps don't work. The webpage and manual discloses that apps won't work if they they rely on functions not in the tablet (camera, 3G/CDMA, etc.)

I haven't given the battery a serious run, but appeared to use about 20% with moderate WiFi and computing use over about 2 hours.

The box speaks about free books from Borders, but the borders app and android web page don't have that, nor do they have access to the multiple free books.

One site indicated that the Adobe reader is needed for their ebooks, but I haven't gotten any ebooks to load or open yet.
I obtained the Cruz Tablet. Just curious. Are you having trouble installing apps? Also, I find the screen not responsive. For a capacitive screen, it acts like a resistive. Not impressed so far but we will be publishing a full review in the next week or so.
The screen takes some getting used to. It's no worse than my iPhone was. I thought it was difficult to start with, but now the greater issue is alignment (of touch) on tiny targets -- I'll sometimes hit the link (most often) below, sometimes the link above the one I intended.

Also, I've run into a situation where the current app dumps out to the home screen from the slightest touch near the edge of the tablet (not even, I don't think, near the home "button" on the upper right side).

The apps seem to be restricted by device function. All those apps that access "camera," "phone," or "microphone" fail to load. As I understand, your device can have more functions than the app accesses, but not less.

If you search my other posts, you'll see that I've had success with the Kindle reader, the Moon+ reader, a few translation dictionaries, a currency converter, and a few games.

Let me get a complete listing of everything that I've found that works. slideme works, alkido doesn't. I was able to convert my wmvs to 3GP, and the native app runs fine.
The screen takes some getting used to. It's no worse than my iPhone was. I thought it was difficult to start with, but now the greater issue is alignment (of touch) on tiny targets -- I'll sometimes hit the link (most often) below, sometimes the link above the one I intended.

Also, I've run into a situation where the current app dumps out to the home screen from the slightest touch near the edge of the tablet (not even, I don't think, near the home "button" on the upper right side).

The apps seem to be restricted by device function. All those apps that access "camera," "phone," or "microphone" fail to load. As I understand, your device can have more functions than the app accesses, but not less.

If you search my other posts, you'll see that I've had success with the Kindle reader, the Moon+ reader, a few translation dictionaries, a currency converter, and a few games.

Let me get a complete listing of everything that I've found that works. slideme works, alkido doesn't. I was able to convert my wmvs to 3GP, and the native app runs fine.

I cannot install apps that installed without any problems on my ePad/Zenithink ZT-180. I am not sure why. You mention that the app is restricted by device function but if this was the case, the apps should also not have installed on my ePad. Are you able to install NeoCore? We use this as a benchmarking tool and the device refuses to install it. I tried to sideload it via SD card and install it directly from the AndAppStore.
I was unaware of NeoCore. Let me track down some sources and play with it. My bet is that both the Cruz is not recognized by some markets, and some apps won't install unless they find the specific hardware (maybe firmware) components they are looking for. I'm too new at this to know.
the cruse reader is not a good choice for a deployment if you like video's..bad stuttery playback ( no video processor chip)
the cruz tablet plays excellent video..the sd card mounts smoothly inside the case..no google maps or market.good battery life.
I got the Cruz tablet.

The box speaks about free books from Borders, but the borders app and android web page don't have that, nor do they have access to the multiple free books.
I just got a cruz t105 tablet and when I signed up for a Boarders I could not find any free books to try so I signed out and then I decided to try again and when I click on the Boarders icon a window with a list of books opened up. Not very many but at least I got to try one of their books. As a book reader/eReader I like the cruz a lot. I can change pages by just sweeping my thumb down the screen without looking for a button to press.

The biggest thing for me is getting used to how different it is, as I have never used a smart phone, ereader or tablet before. Lots of computer experience but that almost seems to get in the way.

The touch screen is requires a controlled and intended touch but IMO it is very responsive when touched.

I find the apps to be a problem as they don't seem to offer much that I am interested in and many of them won't work because they are designed for phones. I hope as tablets become more popular this will change.

People have complained about not being able to watch flash and youtube. I have flash turned off on my computer but I do watch youtubes. I found when I want to watch a youtube on the cruz then I use Skyfire browser and it works.

I have found an editor called Text Edit, that seems to work pretty well so far but it won't do all I want it to. I have been trying to find a word processor but no luck so far.
You can move the icons around... it takes some practice to get them just where you want, but think of it like that little sliding panel number game. Pretty soon you figure out which ones move when you move one into a new place.

Also, I thought I saw a Sears ad that had the Cruz Tablet at $249.

(If I hadn't just spent $500 on the iPad, I might go get THAT one. I exchanged the Cruz Tablet up for the greater functionality, gazillions of apps on the iPad.)

I'll be traveling, and didn't want to wait for -- or have to search for -- all the apps on the Cruz Tablet. One nice thing about the iPad, is that it runs about $50 worth of apps from my iPhone, with no extra charge. Also, the Kindle reader goes on almost anything -- taking with it, all your paid books, though I had to move the free ones separately to my Cruz. I think I used a different reader for it -- but if you search my posts, I listed my top 4 or 5 apps that worked, and where I found them.
Another thing... I saw that apps were being added in the CruzMarket, daily, and of the various apps I found the week I owned it, I found that some had upgraded to better functionality.
Since BBuy has it on Sale for $249 I went back and got $50 back from the original purchase price.
I am very happy as I use it a a reader and for Videos...Basic access to the web, facebook, weather, twitter is all I was really looking for.
Actually the email client is not bad.

So I wont' be playing angry birds, but I will not be paying $500 either

I also updated the firmware without problems

I would say that for a basic tablet it is pretty good...Of course there are going to be many more alternatives in the coming months, but this only means that it is a growing market and better products will keep coming. We all know that anything we buy today will be obsolete in a month....Ask anyone with an Iphone

Have a great Thanksgiving.
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Hello. I received my Cruz Tablet 105 for Christmas and thinking about returning it. I cannot figure out how to play youtube videos on it or any videos for that matter. None of the youtubes I tried to open play at all. The message I get is, "Web page not available" when I click on play. I searched for an app to download to be able to view youtube videos, but could not find anything. I'm stumped. If there is an answer for this, please let me know what the steps are for the fix.
U need a YouTube app to view videos. Go to Velocity Micro's website as I believe they had the app that works. See my review in my blog that talks about this.

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