
Oct 5, 2012
Hi everyone, I just joined. I live in Dallas, TX, I am a 23 year old college student interested in tech, industrial design, graphic art, and music.
I own a Arnova 8c G3 tablet, It is my first tablet and it is also the reason that brought me to this forum. It is also my first Android device!
I also own a HP laptop, an iPhone, iPod, and a PS3.
I hope to get answers and share my knowledge with everyone! :cool:
Hi, congratulations on your new Archos tablet and welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets and it's nice to hear you're planning to share your knowledge when you can. If/when you have a problem or a question specific to your tablet, the Archos Home Tablets forum would be the place to go. Just click that link and you'll be there. To get started, I'd suggest you click this link to the http://www.androidtablets.net/forum/android-tablet-q/ section. Read the "Sticky:" threads at the beginning for some good general information about tablets and Android.