Help getting PC to mount Vtab as storage drive


Jan 10, 2012
New here, having a problem with my daughter's Vtab. Plug USB cable up to my PC, the screen doesn't pop up asking to mount as USB storage device, and the PC doesn't see it as a drive.

I have another Vtab here (the one I'm supposed to send back to Vizio because the audio is not working), and it pops up and mounts as a drive just fine - so I know the PC and the cable works fine.

Vizio tech support said to google online for updated USB drivers, but I'm not having much luck there. I did find a .zip on their site to download, but it's not a self installing file so I don't know what I'm supposed to do with the .zip.

Can anyone offer me some direction for this? I hate to have to send back TWO of these things... my 10 year old would like to play with her CHristmas present before *next* Christmas.

If one works and the other does not it is most probably a hardware problem.
Check your settings though, make sure that USB Debugging is disabled on the second one. Vizio should give you a screen asking whether you want to mount USB storage.
Good luck.
Thanks. Vizio tech said the new one could require a driver update. I told him that doesn't seem right, but I went with it anyway. Guess I'll be calling Vizio again today.
If you're running Windows 7 (perhaps Vista also?), check START/DEVICES & PRINTERS. Mine shows up there and you can access it via that screen. What it doesn't do is show up as a drive like so many USB devices do (mp3 players, thumbdrives, etc.).

I saw the driver on their website, but haven't found any way to get it to work.
I will check that out, but it's still odd one works fine and the other doesn't. I think I get to wait for replacement #2...
It's not a driver issue - it's defective Vtab #2, lol. Time to 2 of them back and hope #3 is a charm.
Can anyone explain or provide any inst. on how to install the driver available on the VIZIO site. I know this may be basic but I have tried everything I know and canot figure it out.