Help, I can't chane the keyboard language for my newsmy T3 tablet


Jul 4, 2012
I bought newpad newsmy T3 Tablet, Android 4.0

I set a password in english letters, and I changed my tablet's language to Arabic, and the keyboard now with an arabic letters only!!
Please help me, how can i reset the language of the tablet to english If i can't access to the menu!

I can't change the keyboard language to english, I try to change it by the small keyboard Icon that i have on the screen but there's no choice! the english language is not an option!
I also tried to reset my tablet by the small back button, but it was useless!
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no, I have no access to the tablet, the only thing that i see on my screen is the keyboard and the password text box
is there any way to recover it by pressing some keys while starting up?
Thanks for your replies,

I already tried the reset button, but it's useless, the language didn't change.

i searched at google but i can't fing Newsmy T3 boot to use it with the RKBatchTool

do you have a good files for rooting?
yes im acutally uploading the files now for someone on XDA. I will post the link.. To boot into RKBatchTool, you need to hold the reset button and hold the vol up button at the same time. if you have the right drivers installed.

to ROOT view readme

and when you use the reset does the little android show?? with its front open like its recovering? cause you might just be triggering a restart not an actuall reset.
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Thank you so much :)

I read the readme file, but i don't understand when should i press on the reset button?? and should i turn off the tablet??
I can't do anything, I received an error message: " not find online device. Please enable USB debugging! "

I can't enable anything because of the ****ing password! .. I'm so upset because of that! I received my Newsmy just two days ago.

I messed up!!! I just want to present it as a birthday gift!

please help me
When its on just press the reset hold it and press and hold the volumeup until it says it found new hardware. It should stay black the screen.. Try you will have to usea translator and you can use my account to make it easy on you. Just pm me

Also when you reset do you see the android with the front open or does it just restart

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Thank you my friend .. finally, I did it after a long night!! :rolleyes:

I pressed on Power & Vol+ while i'm restarting the tablet.

This action brought out an options list .. with a " factory reset " Option that solved my problem :)

Thanks God ... and thank you for trying to help me.
Nota problem, I'm glad you got it fixed. Now if you want root you can follow the direction in the link above.

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yeah the program for root is very easy. and you can get rid of the unneeded pre installed apps with titanium backup.

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Hi Guys,

I'm really struggling to get my Newsmy T3 to connect to my windows 7 PC with USB debugging on. Whenever I connect it, windows doesn't seem to care. Ideally I would like to gain root access but I can't get it to connect properly.

Any thoughts?