Help identifying Apad and locating custom Roms


Dec 24, 2010

I recently purchased an Apad and am not sure which model it is. Its a little sluggish and I am hoping there are custom roms available .

under settings
Model number: MID
Firmware version: 2.1 update 1
Kernel Version: 2.6.29 cbsdada@cbserver #142
Build number MID 1.1

more info
API level 7
CPU ABI armeabi-v6
manaufacturer telechips
board tcc8900-evm
device tcc8900

thanks for your help
It seems that the apad market has been flooded with this pad. I have found them on Amazon, goWidget, ZTOstore and more. I have 2 apad with the exact same specs. I have searched the Internet for weeks trying to find an update ROM to Android 2.2 or 2.3 and not even come close. I downloaded a program called "Android sys" form and located ALL the specs for this apad. The Specs are the same as posted here. I am in hope that someone in this forum will read our post and give us some help..


Androd version: 2.1-update1
Release codename: REL
CPU ABI: armeabi-v6
Manufacturer: telechips
Board: tcc8900
Brand: telechips
Device: tcc8900
Display: telechips_tcc8900_us-eng 2.1-update1 ECLAIR eng.cbsmbg.20101211.102901 test keys

Fingerprint: unknown
Host CBServer
Model: Android for Telechips TCC8900 Evaluation Board(US)

Product: telechips_tcc8900_us

Thanks in advance
Last edited:
I, too have this Android Tablet. And I am looking for an update. Please help someone! Recently I had a run in with Amazon concerning this tablet. They will not support their KINDLE APP because they say this tablet doesn't have the OFFICIAL GOOGLE MARKET installed on it in the OFFICIAL WAY. Whatever that means. After getting into a shouting match on the phone for an hour I have decided that AMAZON isn't worth squat! Still, I would like an update. - T