Help me clarify uncertainties about roms, flashing and rooting


May 19, 2012
If i flash my onda vi40 elite with a newer or older firmware will the root be gone? Can you point me to right direction for rooting it(a tutorial)? Why do people use other people's firmwares posted on forums if there are official ones?​

If i flash my onda vi40 elite with a newer or older firmware will the root be gone? Can you point me to right direction for rooting it(a tutorial)? Why do people use other people's firmwares posted on forums if there are official ones?​

If You flash with fabric rom I presume that root will be gone...
Dont know procedure of rooting of Your phone model. Google it...
Using other firmware than fabric one is personal choice. Based on my experience from winmobile 6.1 until now - android, custom roms are better than fabric because they are faster, less power consumption and easier to tweak also they are lighter because there is removed unnecessary apps and stuff.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for the answer, my tablet model comes rooted with their firmware so i'm not sure will it be included in the newer version, thanks for info. Can you suggest me any rom here, im kinda confused which one isnt risky