HELP!!! Need help comparing tablets!!!


Nov 6, 2011
Ok, I am planning on getting a tablet for my kids ages 7 and 8 for Christmas this year. As much as they think they need an Ipad...thats not happening :)

Basically I have narrowed it down to two tablets that Im considering. My kids will only be using these for surfing the net, playing games, watching videos on YOUTUBE, etc..
I do not want to spend much more than $100

The two I have found are the Velocity Cruz T104 and the Maylong M-250
They seem about the same, The Maylong seems to only be 800 MHZ which concerns me a bit, but wasnt sure if it was a big deal. I have seen several reviews about them not having the REAL android market or 2.2 OS. I think the Maylong is the real market from what Ive read....I basically need to know if they do have those features or not and if not can I really upgrade them to 2.2 and install the real market. I basically want a tablet that either comes with or that I cna do myself: android 2.2 with real market and whether or not having 800 mgz will be a big deal or not for what my kids would be using it for.

I'm in the same boat and Sears has the Cruz T104 today on sale so I'm ordering that for now. I was going to get the Coby 7127, but at nearly $200 I'd feel better if something happened to the Cruz.
I am so confused with everything I've been trying to absorb when it comes to getting hubby a nice tablet, I have looked at all these tablets, only add to it the Pandigital 9" that Big Lots will have on sale for Black Friday at $79 and the same price on the Sylvania sylnet7lp for Black Friday and you can color me lost. LOL! I want the Coby 7127 for him but like you mentioned, it's about $170 and that's almost two hundred dollar bills any way you slice it. I think it would make him the happiest and since we have an autistic child I am afraid with the cheaper tablets that have resistive touch he would BREAK them so I want to see how the Coby is priced closer to and possibly after Christmas. Or else he's getting the Pandigital, and keeping it away from our son, ha ha....I don't know what to do. Walmart has the T301 for $99 and so that one has capacitive touch, so that might be the clear winner, not sure. I am sure though we need the capacitive touch because I seriously doubt it will stay OUT of our son's hands....

Thank you all here for the great information, I have learned a lot, I just wish the decision was easier. :p
What SN said. For 100 bucks you probably will not find one that is decent with videos, but good luck!

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