I receieved my new epad 2.2 on this week and seem to be having a few problems. I wonder if anyone can help?
1. I can browse the internet!!
2. I cant seem to watch the epad through my tv with the hdmi lead.
3. The Tune in radio always comes up with codec wrong/wrong stream. This happens with all the radio stations.
3. The IReader icon in the setiings tab when i press it it comes up with a message-Ireader not ready and then reboots the epad.
Another quick question- How do a get an external hard drive to work on the usb port?
Thanks in advance
I receieved my new epad 2.2 on this week and seem to be having a few problems. I wonder if anyone can help?
1. I can browse the internet!!
2. I cant seem to watch the epad through my tv with the hdmi lead.
3. The Tune in radio always comes up with codec wrong/wrong stream. This happens with all the radio stations.
3. The IReader icon in the setiings tab when i press it it comes up with a message-Ireader not ready and then reboots the epad.
Another quick question- How do a get an external hard drive to work on the usb port?
Thanks in advance