Help! .nomedia file reinstalls itself in asus filemanager and data folder!


Junior Member
Mar 10, 2016
Hello All. I have an Asus Transformer 10"" running android 4.1.15. and have been happy with it until yesterday...when all of a sudden my Gallery app could not find recent pics and my audio and editing apps could not find any mp3s except ringtones from Hangouts and Whatsapp. I traced the problem to a file called .nomedia which was in my music, download and picture folders..deleted, rebooted and they were back!! I downloaded ES file manager found all the hidden folders and deketed a few more entrues including in the co.asus filemanager and app data storage change! I have run anti virus, malware bytes and nothing detected..but on reboot the .nomedias were back. It is driving me crazy! I have now copied all my important files on to an external drive and on to a USB..and am about yo try a factory reset..but befire I do that..has anyone else had this problem? And if so..did you solve it?
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That .nomedia file is usually something user created to do exactly what it was doing. I don't understand how it would just appear. Did you purchase the tablet new?

By default, with a reset, it should not reappear unless you have installed some sort of app, like a privacy app that may have caused it in the first place.
Thank you so much for responding so promptly! Thing is, I do have a " privacy app" ( Gallery Vault) for fotos, but have had it on my tablet for more than a year and this problem only started yesterday...and now is only affecting my mp3s. The only 2 new apps..installed more than a month ago..are Dolphin browser and Twitter. I am thinking possibly one of my apps updated and the update caused this problem..but which app? I can use ES file manager..and a newly instalked app called nomedia viewer to locate all the entries.,down to 3 from 11..but they only tell me where the .nomedia files are located and when they were created..not the app that generated the file. So, I guess I will try the reset and hope for the best. In any event I will post again to report the results. Just want to finish by saying I do not for one minute think this is an ASUS or firnware problem. As I said I have been more than satisfied with my is fast, has a great display, good cameras and excellent sound and is my best friend on my travels. Hoping I can undo whatever was done and keep on enjoying my ASUS experience...:)
I would uninstall that Gallery Vault app and see if the problem persists. It may have changed a setting or updated with some different settings/features.
It wasn't Gallery Vault..It was Google Play Music! someway corrupted soon as I disabled and forced stop my problem went away!!! But it came pre-installed..could not undo the latest update so I went ahead and did the reset anyway. Only took 15 minutes and I was up and running again.