Help please. [REQ] eReader app hopefully Kindle and Firmware backup

The What

Apr 16, 2011
I believe I have what is reffered to as a MID 2.2 from China. It has a GoMarket app installed, but with all the text showing in Chinese I have yet to DL anything.

This is a link to the item I have:

NEW 7"Google Android Notebook Tablet PC Laptop WiFi MID on (item 270734734305 end time 19-Apr-11 18:00:09 EDT)

If anyone knows the real term that I should describe it as, that would help!

I was hoping to back up the firmware to protect against bricking later on?

Also was hoping to get a Kindle eReader app installed. Is this possible?

As well as some type application that I can DL to my PC and then just transfer via USB or SD to the tablet.

Thanks a bunch. Little overwhelmed at the moment trying to track all this down.