[HELP PLZ] want to root daughter's Difrnce DIT8010 8" tablet


Sep 3, 2012
Hello Everybody!

The last couple of weeks i have been busy to get the tablet my daughter bought for herself rooted. So far; no luck at all.... So please... all information or tut's are more than welcome.


I have followed a couple of different guides to get the tablet connected to my computer. And it seems like i accomplisched that (i think)

- The tablet is recognised by Windows as: CHM805HC
- I tried to install an ADB-driver, but this didnt went easy....
-- I installed some stuff from Oracle (java SE Development Kit)
-- After that i did install Android SDK tools
-- Some guides say this should bring me the ADB-drivers i need for this tablet.
-- Unfortunaly this wasn't the case. I also needed to install PDAnet; and this did installed the right ADB-driver.

- The tablet is now known as an Android Phone and is calles Android Phone Interface.

- When i installed PDAnet on my Windows 7 PC, it also installed the android app automaticly on the tablet. ---> This proofs that there is a connection between my computer and the tablet.

And at this moment iam completly stuck... I dont have any idea what i have to do at this stage....

If there is anyone out there with some kind of answers.... PLEASE... :)

Regards! Klazi