Help Request: Upscaling / Upgrading Screen Sizes for Downloaded Games


May 1, 2011
Greetings, all!

As of several weeks ago, I am now the proud owner of a new (Superpad 10.2") tablet, and have enjoyed the usefulness and versatility of it very much. However, I have noticed a problem, which I was hoping some of you who happen to be more knowledgeable on the subject than myself could help with.

Specifically, I've noticed that several of the games I've downloaded seem to be set up for the cell-phone screen size, with no real option to switch to my much larger, more enjoyable screen size; in other words, I'm left with a good three-quarters of blank, black, unused space and a tiny screen that, well, defeats the purpose of having such a lovely large screen in the first place.

In short, does anyone have any advice for either modifying the games to display properly on my larger screen, or failing that, a way to specifically hunt for games designed for (or at least compatible with) a tablet's larger screen size? In particular, I'm a fan of the 'seek-and-find' puzzle genre, as well as the 'Jewel Quest' style of puzzle games. Any help you might give would be appreciated.