Help - Rooted Nook Color Deregistered and Can't Access the Market


Dec 29, 2010
I rooted my sister's NC and everything was working fine. Somehow, either by using the library or by adding another Google account it seems that she reset the NC and deregistered it. However, she still has Nook Color Tools and the other Apps in Extra. I was able to get the NC registered by going to Nook Color Tools, All Settings, 2nd Wireless and B&N setup. However, she still can't access the Market and it says "can't establish a reliable data connection."

Any ideas besides wiping and rerooting? It seems that we just need to add her Google account back.
Unfortunately she doesn't see any Apps when she opens up Manage Applications and the NC messages that no third party apps are installed. She can't do step 3, because she doesn't have file explorer installed.

I'm not sure she is still rooted after the auto reset. She doesn't see the Android guy during startup. However, she still has Nook Color Tools, etc.
nookcolor tools is just an app and does not indicate whether the nook is rooted. the best indicator is whether or not you have superuser and can give permissions to apps.

judging from what you are saying, looks like the root has been undone and will probably be need to be done again. sorry
Deregistering won't remove the apps that are bundled with the autonooter process. It does sound like the acount association is lost though. Were there ever any market apps installed? If so they shouldn't have just disappeared. If not and you can't seem to get it registered then wiping and starting over shouldn't be an issue since nothing was installed anyway.

I am also not sure how she could have lost root by deregistering but it is possible she got an auto-update that broke the root. This actually seems likely given what you are describing. In that case you will want to start over and reroot. Should be pretty straight forward to reset and reroot if you follow the directions to do so.
Yes she had working apps. She was in B&N shopping when it happened. There was an authorization error and then it said it would be reset. There was no option to cancel. I think she had an auto reset that broke root. I had updated it to 1.0.1 before rooting and that is the system she is running now after the reset. The only thing else she did prior to the reset was setup a Gmail account. The used a work Gmail account as opposed to the one I used to set it up. She was then in her B&N library and she things she hit the sync button on the bottom left when she got the reset message.

It is interesting if there are auto resets with B&N. I'm trying to figure out if a ROM Manager Backup would have resolved having to reroot. Any ideas?
Sounds like she either:

-Did a "erase & deregister device" from settings, which I'm not sure how well that works on a rooted NC without first doing a data wipe (8 boot interrupt procedure) first.


-the NC updated itself automatically from an OTA, so you lost root, still have all the apps installed but many won't work now that you are no longer rooted. Check to see what b&n software you are now on. And is it the same version it was before? If this is the case, re-root.


-something simple your wifi is turned off or dropped and you are not connected at any network, which is why the market is not working.

Are all other apps working? Do you still have Supper user app installed?
Sounds like she either:

-Did a "erase & deregister device" from settings, which I'm not sure how well that works on a rooted NC without first doing a data wipe (8 boot interrupt procedure) first.
I don'think this happened as she wasn't in settings. She was in Library.

-the NC updated itself automatically from an OTA, so you lost root, still have all the apps installed but many won't work now that you are no longer rooted. Check to see what b&n software you are now on. And is it the same version it was before? If this is the case, re-root.
I think it was similar to an OTA. However, I think it was a reset. Her current version is 1.0.1, which is what I had upgraded her to. She has Nook Color Tools, but she doesn't have all the Apps that I had installed.

-something simple your wifi is turned off or dropped and you are not connected at any network, which is why the market is not working.
She is accessing the internet on other devices and it says she is connected on the NC.
Are all other apps working? Do you still have Supper user app installed?
No new Apps are working. I do not know about Super User. Nook Color Tools is still there.

She isn't local or else I would have it in hand and try to figure out what was going on. She has only had it for less than 48 hours (bday present from her husband). Good news she didn't lose a lot of files/settings/personalization, but she doesn't get to play with her present. She can still access the internet just not Apps. Oh well, looks like a wipe and reroot. I was reading on XDA that people have experienced the auto reset. Interesting.
Auto resets are pretty rare and I think they don't happened to anyone on b&n 1.1, just 1.0.0 and 1.0.1. In all my time here, I can honest say I've only seen it 1-2 times and never experienced it myself. Not sure if anyone has nailed down a reason why they happened.

Here is a thread to shed more light on the issue::

It may have been good for you to have updated the NC to 1.1 and then root with autonooter 3.0

My only experience with something like this was not an auto reset but I manually updated to 1.1 on purpose to see what it would do to a rooted 1.0.1.

Things I've noticed since installing update 1.1:
-Lost root
-All info still in tact
-Zeam launcher and set wallpaper are the same
-All apps remained installed
-Most apps work without root (apps that require SU don't work fully)
-Wifi seems more responsive, loads immediately after wake up
-Button Savior back button not working
-Pinch zoom now works on stock browser :)
-Nook Color Tools still work
-Advanced Task Killer works
-All but my "Weather bug" widget works
-Angry Birds works (sound does not)
-Youtube works
I didn't have the market at that time.
Thanks Rico. For some reason there isn't a Thanks button for your post. I assume it's because you are a Moderator. I do appreciate your help.

It should be interesting. There are 4 other NCs that I have rooted. We will see if anyone of them auto resets.
Thanks Rico. For some reason there isn't a Thanks button for your post. I assume it's because you are a Moderator. I do appreciate your help.

It should be interesting. There are 4 other NCs that I have rooted. We will see if anyone of them auto resets.

Yes, weird phenomenon to say the least. I would update them to 1.1 just in case. Wish I could give a better answer or a reason why it happens. I'm leaning towards it's a failed attempt at a 1.1 update, then the NC tried to clean up the attempt with a software wipe but I don't see enough evidence that is the case.

and no need to thank me, being a moderator is thanks enough.
Yes, weird phenomenon to say the least. I would update them to 1.1 just in case. Wish I could give a better answer or a reason why it happens. I'm leaning towards it's a failed attempt at a 1.1 update, then the NC tried to clean up the attempt with a software wipe but I don't see enough evidence that is the case.

I agree that this sounds likely however uncommon. Just a good chance to update to 1.1 and autonooter 3.
Hey all,
Just thought I'd jump in here and point out that my NC has also been auto reset and I have no idea how to fix it. I turned it on and was greeted with the android logo, followed by the "logicpd zoom2" setup. I got out of there, but found all my apps are missing save for NookColorTools and Superuser. How can I get my customizations and apps back? I'm running 1.0.1 and just had the rooted stock rom (android 2.1).

Edit: Apparently the device updated itself to 1.1.0. I have no idea how, I never initiated any update. It's now back to factory defaults. Any way I can get my data back from before or does it need to be re-rooted?
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Hey all,
Edit: Apparently the device updated itself to 1.1.0. I have no idea how, I never initiated any update. It's now back to factory defaults. Any way I can get my data back from before or does it need to be re-rooted?

You need to reroot using autonooter 3. You may find once you have rerooted that your apps are still there. If not and you don't have a backup (via Titanium Backup) you will have to reinstall your apps.