Help Rooting the New MID4331-4


Dec 26, 2012
Alright, Ive had several coby tablets before, this one doesnt have a guide for how to root. So I'm looking for some help from a slightly more knowledgable person. It has an Allwinner A8 Processor and 3e stock recovery. Here's a list of my failed attempts, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Using Poot.apk
Flashing the root and gapps zip for the telechips tablets through 3e
Flashing SuperSu through 3e
Flashing Gapps through 3e
Using the Root Utility located in this forum. Both modes.
Using Adb to try to gain rw access to /system in recovery (device not found in recovery)
Pushing 'su' with adb (had to try lol)

UPDATE- Issues have been resolved. Battery still acting strange but it works.
so any help would be appreciated. Also, when flashing those .zip files through 3e everything appears to go well, but there are no changes to the tablet.


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Update!!- I had a big break through, I acquired root using Bin4ry's root script over at XDA. I have a couple of issues after rooting though, I have no wi-fi, and battery is draining rapidly. Any suggestions?