Help with Asus EEE Transformer a101


Jul 2, 2011
Good evening, I have a few questions and hope you can help me with them.

I am fairly new to the Android system having been an Iproduct user for years (blame the wife there).

I am noticing a few issues here and aside from me just being an Android ignorant I hope there are workarounds.

1 Is there a way to kill running processes? I located the button that shows me recent apps but how do I kill them to savebattery life?

2 Some websites especially this one have horrible input lag, to the point that I need to wait a few seconds afterevery typed word to make sure a letter or space wasnt missed.

3 For those who are in a rush is there anauto correct feature?

4 Is there a known issue with websites not laying video properly? Unless I use the actual youtube app, video is especially choppy and laggy to the point of being unwatchable.

5 Finally is there a way to play music files whie using other apps? If I try to launch any app while any music file is running, it kills the music app. Very frustrating since I like to stream podcasts while searching other websites.

Thank you for all your help.

My error :( The title should be the Transformer TF101 Tablet, no idea why I typed A101 ...
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I should mention I am using the included browser, which seems crash happy, and upgraded to 3.1.

ps that should be "playing" videos the dang input lag is that bad and I cant even edit my prior post.
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I have the same tablet and i have no problems what so ever. I would return it to where you bought it and exchange for another one or call Asus customer service, 888-678-3688.

With this tablet, you should be cruising without a problem, this really sounds like a hardware problem or core Android issue that would require a full format and re-install.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
Thanks for your reply, I am starting to think the same (hardware issue). At first I was thinking it was bloatware installed by Asus and was almost considering rooting it, but I could not find anyone else reporting the same problems anywhere.

I also tried Dolphin HD and Opera, both seemed to suffer the same issues.

One more question if I might, again this is my android ignorance, but shouldn't apps be universal?

I tried to instal Netflix for droid but keep getting an error saying "This tablet does not support this app" or something to that effect. I even tried sideloading the app, which runs the app, but the app only allows me to peruse my que if I try to start an instant watch video I get an unable to connect to server 12001 error.

Anyone have some suggestions?

Thanks again in advance.