can somebody please help I recently purchased a COBY KYROS MID1125 it's running android 2.3 .3, I bought it for my 13 year old autistic daughter so that she can get all the apps for children of special needs she is autistic and mildly retarded hence the reason for not spending all that money for an ipad. this is a great little unit or a child of her abilities, the problem with it is it does not support flash therefore I cannot gRt the entire Android market apps necessary for her needs. I have been all over the internet and seen countless videos of what the capabilities of this unit are if you know what you were doing, I have tried like hell for the last 3 days to overhaul this unit for her. I cannot get my home computer to find the drivers to recognize the unit so I'm having to load every Apk file people have talked about onto the SDCARD but that still isn't working, I don't know if I'm not getting the right files or what I'm actually doing. can somebody please help me avery instructional video I have seen or text I have read has not pertain to that particular model nor have I been able to locate instructions for that particular model MID1125. can somebody please email me step by step instructions the best and easiest way and all the proper a p k files that I need to download to re-root, flash/recovery to make this unit fully capable to the android market. please people your help will be greatly appreciated it for a 13 year old girl of special needs. or 818 355 8347