help with coby kyros mid1125 overhaul!!!


Nov 14, 2011
can somebody please help I recently purchased a COBY KYROS MID1125 it's running android 2.3 .3, I bought it for my 13 year old autistic daughter so that she can get all the apps for children of special needs she is autistic and mildly retarded hence the reason for not spending all that money for an ipad. this is a great little unit or a child of her abilities, the problem with it is it does not support flash therefore I cannot gRt the entire Android market apps necessary for her needs. I have been all over the internet and seen countless videos of what the capabilities of this unit are if you know what you were doing, I have tried like hell for the last 3 days to overhaul this unit for her. I cannot get my home computer to find the drivers to recognize the unit so I'm having to load every Apk file people have talked about onto the SDCARD but that still isn't working, I don't know if I'm not getting the right files or what I'm actually doing. can somebody please help me avery instructional video I have seen or text I have read has not pertain to that particular model nor have I been able to locate instructions for that particular model MID1125. can somebody please email me step by step instructions the best and easiest way and all the proper a p k files that I need to download to re-root, flash/recovery to make this unit fully capable to the android market. please people your help will be greatly appreciated it for a 13 year old girl of special needs. or 818 355 8347
You certainly CAN run Flash on this tablet. Unless you have the wrong model number, this is actually a decent tablet. Where did you hear you couldn't run flash on it?
Do you have a PC to connect it to?

I should add that getting "full" market is a bit of "eyes of the beholder" thing. There are apps which will not install on any particular tablet, but with yours I think you'll find most everything will install.
Rooting could be an issue, but you should be able to get temp root long enough to install all the google apps - including a good market.

I'm new to this as well, but I will help you if you want. I have 5 different tablets so I have had to learn a bit about obscure systems. I have "full" market on all of them although they are not what you'd call fully rooted.
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For starters, turn on your tablet and go to "settings". Then "applications", then check the box which says "Unknown Sources". Then select "Development" and then check the box that says "USB Debugging". Then you can back out of all of those.
Then connect your PC to your tablet with a USB cable. Your windows PC should scan for the drivers and it may ask for drivers or whatever, and for the time being don't worry about that EXCEPT try to read the messages as they pop up. What you want to see is that the computer sees your device and tries to connect to it. If you don't see that then you may have a bad cable or bad USB ports. But, let's assume you see that the computer tries to connect.
On your tablet you should see a message that "Turn on USB Storage". Select it if you do. If you don't see it, you should see something in the status bar. What you're looking for are the fork-like USB symbol and you may also see a "bug" symbol which indicates you are in debug mode. (Never mind that you can't actually connect adb to your tablet yet.)
Now, open an explorer window and see if you can see 2 drives added (from your tablet). Open them up and see if you can read and write a simple file to them. If you can then you have connected to the tablet (in usb storage mode only) and you can sideload apps with this - but we have bigger fish to fry.

View attachment $

If the above attached file ( actually shows up (I've never posted a file on this forum so not sure it will work). Download that file to your PC and unzip it. Run the usbview.exe and look in the left hand pane for something that says something like "USB Composite Device" and click on it. Then in the right pane you'll see a bunch of information about the device connected to your USB port. There you will see the first section "Device Descriptor". Copy those lines and post them here - or if you want you can private message me with the info. The lines we're looking for are the ID Vendor and the ID Device lines and I also would like to see the two quoted "" strings - best to just copy all 16 lines or so from this device descriptor section.

What we can do then is modify the android_usb.inf file so that you can use adb to connect to your device and do the stuff needed to get the google apps and the full market in the machine - along with help from some rooting tools. But before anyone can help you with that we need to get your usb driver fixed to make that happen.
I received the usb_view data from a poster and here are the instructions to connect (after you've installed android SDK with the stock USB driver):
You need to edit your android_usb.inf file with a text editor like Notepad or Notepad++.
Go to the section [Google.NTx86] and insert the following lines:

; Android Gingerbread
%SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_18D1&PID_DEED
%CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_18D1&PID_DEED&MI_01

Then save the file. I put it in both the /%user/.android/ directory and I put it also in the
c:Android/android-sdk/extras/google/usb_driver directory.

Then you either need to edit or create a file named:

That file is a simple text file which must have a single line (at least) with the 0x18D1 listed as below:




After you save that file to your /%user/.android/ directory you are ready to reboot. Then plug in your tablet and wait for it

to load up the drivers and then go to the tablet and in the status area see the USB connected and select it to "turn on USB

storage" or something like that and it will be connected to your computer.
Now you can move files around or more importantly use adb to "fix" your tablet.
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I have a coby kyros 1125 and rooted it. I useed the same steps to root the coby kyros 7022. The only problem is the recovery mode ( CWM) desn't work if you press power button + home in coby 1125. For solve this problem your have to install in you computer the ADB tools, after that you need to following the root 7022 steps. When you need to enter in recovery mode use adb commands like adb reboot recovey <enter> this will work like press power button + home. If you need to reset the tablet use adb reboot <enter>. In the recovery mode you can use the volume down do move the cursor e volume up to select the item.


First you need to install the adb tool. Use the below link to learn aboutt adb commands and download the ADB files. If you prefer, look for it on net.

How To: Install ADB and Fastboot on your Windows computer for use with your Android phone | Android Articles | dotTech

Plug you tablet in you pc, using usb cable and activating the debug mode on you tablet, and try some commands like:

adb devices <enter> adb reboot <enter> adb shell <enter>

Now that you have some familiarity with adb command you can root you coby 1125.

I used the following youtube tutorial like a base. See the video to have some root process idea.

In this tutorial you will need download two files the file and .These files have to stay in external sd card in zip format... yes!!! in zip format.

The first file will give you the CMW Recovery Mode and you will install it accessing the tablet on setting/about devices/system uptade/ (select sd card). ( see the video ) ( CWM Recovery)

So wait until update finish, the tablet will reboot, if not use ( adb reboot <enter>)

To acess the ClockWorkMod (CWM) you use the ADB comand ( adb reboot recovery <enter>) in you pc; so your tablet will reboot in CWM mod, so you can install the other file (su- following the video procedure. D'ont forget to put your tablet in debbug mod, if not you will not to be able to have adb commands.

In this step you will need to use volume down to move and volume up to select the itens in CWM Recovery Mode.

Attention: If you select the wrong option in CWM Mode the way to back is using the adb command again ( adb reboot recovery). So try to select the correct item like showed in youtube video. I didnt find a easier way ( or tablet botton) to give a back command in CWM mode. (su-

After install this last file , use adb comando to reboot the tablet ( adb reboot <enter> )

After install these two files , look for google superuser.apk and rootexplore.apk and install it in you tablet . Now you have root
Has anyone been able to get adb to work with this tablet? I don' think I ahve the right drivers installed im my windows computer. Running XP Pro. I have adb set up and use it regularly with my HTC Evo 3d. So I know a little about adb. I cant get the pc to recognize the tablet from "adb devices" command. I get a connection to transfer files through usb though.