help with new epad FLASH PLEASEE!!!


May 28, 2011
is there a forum for exactly how to upgrade after un box , Like can I upgrade from 2.1 any version right to 2.2 , do I have to root anything first ...I am trying to piece forums together myself and curtian stickys say I need One rom before I can get another
anyways here is what I am trying to do

I have

Firmware Version:
2.1-update1 V1.8#2752

Baseland vers

Kern Vers infotm-sqa@infotm-sqa-desktop#48

Build Number
wwe10-eng 2.1-update 1ERE27 eng.infotm-sqa.20101224.184001 test-keys

its a superpad

My goal is to upgrade From this to 2.2
Can somebody peice together a step by step guide uncluding everything needed , I am sure there is something like that here that I have already read but I second guess my self and read different forum then the original one I have read and it says to do a few different things
...anyways I would like to upgrade from the above noted ROM to 2.2..
and your help would be great ,
EI:can I upgrade directly from this VERS to 2.2 ? ?
Ok ive downloaded everything , when I try and "clean tablet" it after pressing the 3 buttons ... it goes thro the first part , then freezes on 1s, i have a tab that shows the vers # under infotmic
Ok ive downloaded everything , when I try and "clean tablet" it after pressing the 3 buttons ... it goes thro the first part , then freezes on 1s, i have a tab that shows the vers # under infotmic
would a factory reset on device work aswell?
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thanks you again I have done some more research and have now realized that I am following all the proper steps however I have WINDOWS 7