Help with recovery of 7022


Aug 6, 2011
Hello I have had a Kyros 7022 for about 6 few months now and decided it was time to upgrade to ICS. I had previously successfully rooted the tablet and CWM was working great.

I tried to upgrade the 7022 from its stock ROM (Froyo or Gingerbread, don’t remember) to ICS. However while I was in CWM I managed to screw up the tablet. (I can be more specific if necessary)

Now, the only way I can turn off the tablet on or off is by hard reset. If I perform a hard reset it goes immediately into “fastboot mode”.

I can use the &#8221;fastboot flash recovery recoverystock.img&#8221; command to get the tableto reboot into Android system recovery <3e> (Android System Recovery Utility) but this it where I get stuck.

I have downloaded what I thought was the stock recovery image for the Coby Kyros 7022. In fact I have downloaded many images and none of them will install without getting the &#8220;Signature verification failed&#8230;Installation aborted&#8221;.

Any help in assessing my problem would really be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

FYI...I have two S2 i777&#8217;s, an Acer A100 and A500 tablet. I have rooted all the devices and am running different custom ROMs on all of them. I say this only to say I have some experience rooting and installing ROMs. However, this 7022 has me stumped. I assure you it is not from a lack of reading forums or trying. I am just really frustrated and confused.
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Oh let me know also mention was able to install the cloclworkmod ( from the following tutorial onto the tablet but everything else gives me the &#8220;Signature verification failed&#8230;Installation aborted&#8221;. I am unable to install SU.

Again thank you in advance.
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Don't fastboot stock recovery use cwm to install.

I no longer have CWM. I cannot access it. I can only (Android System Recovery Utility)

Thanks for your prompt reply. I hope I did not misunderstand your response and I am making some sense!
Fastboot cwm just like your are fastbooting stock recovery.

Could you please explain this process in a few quick steps? Which
ClockworkMod release works with the 7022 (link?)?

Again thank you for your patience vampirefo. I have read so much in the last few days I have analysis paralysis. :p
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Now that I have CWM installed and running, I was able to install SU via CWM. I seem to be stuck again...

I have a copy of Bulldog Gold MEE-10 T91-28 (512MB) for MID7022, MID712x, MID812x, MID112x Released date: 5.28.12
but do not know what to do next!

Do I need to install stock ROM? I did not make a backup when I originally tried to update the ROM via CWM so I am not sure what stock rom to use if I do need to reinstall stock ROM. I was hoping I could just install new ROM and avoid restoring stock ROM.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Again thank you in advance.
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I am really sorry to keep trolling for answers to what probably appears to be an easy answer. I have read so much I am confused. I just need a few quick instructions on how to get my tablet up and running again.

Just to be clear, I have CWM installed, thanks to help from vampirefo. I have applied the SU zip and seemed to install fine. However, I am stuck in CWM. I just need to know what to do next to get my tablet up and running.

I would really appreciate any help as I am frustrated and trying to fix this tablet for my children in the next few days before they leave for the summer.

Again sorry for the novice nature of my questions. I am simply stuck and desperate. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!!
I really hate cleaning up after tipstirs horrible roms, The bulldog BS, anyway I am uploading a rom, I think will fix your problem keep in mind I don't have a 7022, but I do know what it should need to get a working stock. use cwm to make a backup, then download below place it on sdcard, in cwm do a factory reset then install
I really hate cleaning up after tipstirs horrible roms, The bulldog BS, anyway I am uploading a rom, I think will fix your problem keep in mind I don't have a 7022, but I do know what it should need to get a working stock. use cwm to make a backup, then download below place it on sdcard, in cwm do a factory reset then install

Again thank you vampirefo. I downloaded the file, no worries. I know this is not that hard and I feel foolish for needing so much instruction.

However, when I go to make a back up and I get the following message, "unable to start backup path".

Also about the bulldog ROM, is the ROM you provided me a ROM you suggest? I do not know anything about the 7022! I use flexreaper for my Acer tabs and phone-bricker for my Samsung S2 i777s. I am in no way committed to the tipstirs' ROM. Which ROM do you suggest?
Okay vampirefo, I got it working. Dude I dont even know how to thank you! For realz you are very cool to be keep answering my elementary questions. Thank you so much! My daughters thank you as well. ;)

I have no idea why I had such a rough time with this Kyros tablet. I had no prob with my tabs and phones. Strange.

Anyway, still interested in your thoughts on a good 7022 ROM!
do you have a sdcard in your tablet?

you said you have a copy of Bulldog Gold MEE-10 T91-28 (512MB) for MID7022, MID712x, MID812x, MID112x Released date: 5.28.12

no the rom I uploaded has nothing to due with bulldog.