Help with SD Card


Mar 3, 2011
When I got my Kyros I only had a 2g card to put in it. Now I realize I need more memory. As a newbie tothe Android system, I have a couple of questions:
1. When I try to download apps (i.e. from the Amazon store) I frequently get a "not enough memory" notice even though in my settings it indicates Total space 1.83 GB and space available 1.39GB. Am I not putting the apps on my card? How can I find out? How can I be sure to save to SD card?
2. If I get a card with more memory, can I put the data from the 2G card into the new one? Can I simply put the 2G card into my PC, pull out the data onto my desktop and then trtansfer it to my new card?
I rerally like the Kyros and want it to work for me but I keep running into issues that keep the unit from becoming a good one. BTW I did root it.
Thank you!
Thank you for the quick reply! That's most helpful; but - please bear with me - what do you mean when you say "apps go internal"? Does that mean they go onto the Nand memory(the memory storage that is in the Kyros)? If so, is it posible to put them onto the memory card?
You might want to look for an application in the Android Market for moving apps from the internal memory to the SD card. It's not as simple as copy from one place to another. And I've heard that some apps don't run properly on the SD card. Under Froyo there is an option to move an app to the SD card under Manage applications. But I don't see the option under Eclair which is what our devices use.
/nand (or the Internal Storage) is not tied to the userdata partition (/data) at all. the mtd partitions total 512MB (/system, /cache, /data, recovery, boot, and couple of others used for misc stuff). If you search for 'mtd' on the forums, you should find a post where I listed the sizes of all the MTD partitions on the Coby. The out of memory error is because the userdata partition is full. You'll have to delete some stuff.
I realize that I need to delete some apps. In fact whenever I run across an app I like, I have to decide which one gets the axe! I was just wondering if there was a way to add those apps (i.e. putting them on the SD card) and keep the ones I already have. If not is there any way to move things in the internal memory to the SD card to make room for the apps, or is it just a very limited tablet? Just wondering...
you could attempt link2sd from the market... i don't know anybody that's actually tried it on the kyros.. you could be a guinea pig and report back to us here..
OK...I'l have to get back to you on that one! Maybe, since I really don't know what I'm doing, it will work!! I'll keep in touch
the apps are under /system/apps
i use a app named "appkik" to manage apps. from amazon market. it does backup, uninstall, kill, etc...

yeah, you need to control yourself. try to find apps that do several things you want, instead of 1 that does 1 thing.

my list:
appstore (amazon)
es file explorer
documents to go
terminal emulator

my system is stock, only rooted.
Thanks for the advise; I guess I want too many "downtime" game apps. I also am only downloading free apps. Still can't bring myself to buy any (tight budget). If I may, let me ask one more newbie question: if apps only get installed internally, what advantage is there is getting a bigger SD card other than putting DVD movies and music on it and playing them on the Coby (which is something I have yet to learn how to do)? I really appreciate this forum; I have gotten much info from the various posts and love to know more about this tablet.
I only use free apps to. Haven't bought a single app yet, why when there's free options?
Yeah, the sdcard is storage. You can backup less used apps to the sdcard, then uninstall it from the apps. I also use my sdcard for tv torrents I download to watch later & I have my linux box setup to share, so I grab bigger movies & files there as well. I keep a couple of sdcards to swap around for different things.
Don't worry you'll find your way, just take your time, there's nothing you do that can't be undone.
Thanks to all for your help. I'm learning along with you all what the Kyros can and cannot do and how to make the best of it.
How can I put movies from my itunes onto my tablet? I have an 8gb SD card. I am new to android and tablet systems. I tried outting one on my SD card and I was unable to play it because it gave me an error screen saying it couldn't play. Please reply quickly.