Help with transferring pics from digital camera to Iconia


Sep 7, 2011
I connected my digital camera to the Iconia via usb and can view the pics in either Gallery or Astro but there is no way for me to transfer the pics from camera to tablet. How do I do this? I've looked for a setting or "copy" button and can't find either.
You will have to use a file browser by selecting the pictures you and pasting them to a premade folder or making a new one. Usually when your in a file browser, click the menu button and it will usually give a copy, paste, move, select options.
Some file managers have multi select, some dont.

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I dumped Astro because of its increasingly obtuse interface. Filemanager HD or ES File Manager are better.
In either of these you Long press to get copy/move options on individual files.

Es Filemanager has a little + symbol to allow multiple selections. Filemanager HD has a little Mail-Bag icon that says Multi to do the same.
I get a thumbnail that says "click to import" in the gallery when I connect my Nikon D90.