Help with Verizon Galaxy Tab


Jul 15, 2012
I hope I am posting this into the right board, if not I would appreciate any help I can get in directing me to the correct place to post my question. There are so many message boards and so much information, I wouldn't know where to begin to look for an answer to my questions.

Basically, I have a 7" Galaxy Tab model SCH-1800, made for Verizon.

I am basically lost as to how to correct an issue I have. This tablet, as an older model, was beginning to become slightly slow and clunky, so I reset it to its original factory settings. This did little to alleviate the problem, so I allowed a friend of mine to attempt to upgrade the OS to Android 4.0. In his "attempt" he created quite a glitch and he basically rendered the tablet unusable.

The tablet will do nothing but present an error screen, which is shown in the attached photo. I have attempted to reinstall the OS using Odin software, but to no avail. The tablet will not turn on and off, and it will not open in either downloader or bootloader modes.

If anyone can lead me into the right direction in terms of correcting the issue, or of they can direct me to the proper board, I would be most appreciative.

Thank you. $20120715_210138.jpg
I have never seen this issue but to give you some words of encouragement it doesnt look like its fully bricked because it is at least doing something. So thats the good news that bad news is it might be hard to get out of the state you are in. To me it looks like it might have been unplugged from a computer before it was suppose to be. You might need to do something with Samsung Kies. These are all just troubleshooting ideas and how I would go about trying to fix it.

Hopefully someone will come along that has had this same issue and know exactly how to fix it. But dont give up you will get it. And next time dont let your friend touch your stuff ;)
Thanks. I was actually able to solve the issue. It was only soft bricked. I was able to flash dbdata.rfs using Odin to dunp the cache on the tab, then I was able to enter bootloader, and restore the tab to factory defaults.
Thanks for letting us know the problem is solved.:)