Hello I am a Male 26 living in San Diego California.
I recently purchased an Asian tablet (sadly i did not know about the issues with these i just could not afford anything over $100) so due to the price i jumped on one.
I recently purchased an Asian tablet (sadly i did not know about the issues with these i just could not afford anything over $100) so due to the price i jumped on one.
I don't exactly know what chip set it is and such as i wish to update it when needed it has what looks to be an easy update utility in which it just asks you to locate your new ROM on the SD card to install. So needless to say i will be making a new post to ask for help on identifying my tablets chip set (i wont go into it here since i am introducing myself)
I used to work for sony in the game department although I said "USED TO" because i was in a car accident recently that has left me effed up. I was not at fault and my truck got totaled. I wont go into it but my TRUCK was totaled from a read end crash (i was hit from the rear) and since the airbags did not go off and i was upside down ehen i regained consciousness it was a hardcore accident the paramedics said i was lucky to be alive when they cut me out. OK enough of that. When I worked at sony I was working on Little Big World Beta Testing (long time i know) although i did not complete my work on that game so i don't think they credited me (i don't own a ps3) i am pretty sure my name is on Resistance 2 though
I purchased this tablet because i don't own a android powered phone (not smart phone at all) and i plan on it in the future so i wanted to for a multimedia player for on the go (mp3 and video) along with its GPS although i don't think i can get it to work with my mobile network IDK i will find out as i would be stoked if i can but i doubt it. It has support for all the major mobile providers in England but sadly i live in the US so maybe their is a way IDK.
to cut this short (i cant type A LOT but actually say very little so sorry in advance) I hope i have found a good place to learn about my tablet and what i can do with it. I hope to learn how to optimize it the exact way i like with the help from this site.
I hope to meet many of you while i am here,
So Anyway
PS i rarely capitalize my "i's" so if that bugs you sorry HELLO