Hi all


Senior Member
May 16, 2012
Hi all

Been here about a week, this is a great community, loads of really useful threads, knowledgeable and helpful members, I'm looking forward to getting to know you all.

Cheers good luck
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Welcome to the forum!

I am curious, how are you going to try to get to us? Annoying us? Chinese water torture? Death by underwater basket weaving?

Hi Mac, welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets and glad to hear you're enjoying the forum. Any time you need anything for that tablet of yours, just click this link to the Onda Tablet Forum and someone there should be able to help you out. Have fun and continue to enjoy the forum!
Welcome to the forum!

I am curious, how are you going to try to get to us? Annoying us? Chinese water torture? Death by underwater basket weaving?

sorry getting to KNOW you all, my hands type faster than my somewhat useless brain.