Hi All -

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Dec 30, 2012
Hi everyone --

Glad to have joined the forum site --

I'm the owner of a few different tablets, and a
longtime Linux user, albeit not what I'd call a guru (I know real gurus, and they're amazing..)

i own:

An Viewsonic G-tab UPC-300 (stock)
An Velocity Cruz R101 (stock)
A Skytel tablet (can't remember the exact model, but it's a 5" or so - (stock)
A Velocity Cruz T510 (or a carcass thereof...)

Not to mention several Linux machines around the house,
most of which have something or other to do with VoIP, running Asterisk or PIAF
and a fairly sizeable Cisco network, including a Callmanager environment.
(I'm a voice-telecommunications-network engineer)

So that's me -

I can probably help anyone who is having networking/wireless issues,
and possibly also with Linux issues, although I'm
not (yet) familiar with ARM platforms and coding, etc.
Hi Rabin, congratulations on all those tablets and welcome to the forum. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets, and to hear you're willing and able to help out. Wireless issues with tablets seem to be a common problem and any help there will definitely be appreciated. Enjoy the forum and those tablets of yours!
Thanks Spider!

Hopefully someone will have some ideas on a thread I put in the Velocity forum.
It's for unresponsive hardware -

If that's not the right forum in your opinion, would you please move it?

I considered the Hacking forum, but wasn't sure a troubleshooting thread belonged there...
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