Hi from Doncaster, England ...


Jan 11, 2013

New to tablets, but not forums, so posting a small intro .. ;)

New tablet is a cheap "ebay special" 7" Android Tablet, the Tablet info section says it's a Softwiner Evb running Android 4.0.4. This is it .. NEW 7" ANDROID 4.0 PC TABLET NETBOOK MID WiFi EPAD APAD TOUCHSCREEN | eBay

I know little about tablets, or indeed about Android, so hopefully any questions I have will be minor but informative to others too!

I already have a couple of minor issues but shall address them shortly,

cheers, Greasy ... ;)
Hi Greasy, congratulations on your new tablet and welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets. When you're ready to address those minor issues, the Android Tablet Q&A section would probably be the best place to post your questions. Just click that link and you'll be there. Enjoy your new tablet!:)
Has to be said .. you guys are great!

Had a couple of questions, always been a Windows user, bought a cheap tablet to see what I'm missing, and was having a little difficulty with pretty basic stuff, navigating the options, apps in general, whatever. But reading the forum has answered them, so thanks!!

Now to look at rooting it and 'doing' stuff .. ;)