;) HI from Northeast Arkansas


Jan 19, 2011
Hi everyone, I am a new Nook Color owner. I bought this versus the elocity a7 based on reviews here on this site. I wanted it mainly for ereading and needed the color screen. The display was the selling point for me. Any advice or suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks
Hey there mccannge. Congratz on purchasing your Nook Color. I saw one of these at Walmart... they look quite nice!

Are you going to root the device, and turn it into a full Android tablet?
Yes, that is on my to do list. Just trying out what I have first though. I am kind of scared to do anything yet. It seems like I am the worst at modding ever. Every time I do something like that to my phone or laptop I manage to have super cool stuff for a while. Then the big crash! Really excited to see what everyone else is doing though.