hi, glad to find the site


Feb 3, 2012
i REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY WANT A 7,8,10 INCH TABLET/PHONE COMBO with a real phone-no skype or such thingamagig. i have the dell streak 5 and use bluetooth with it. i like the idea of only having one gadget to tote around.

my question is this: since it seems that we(USA CITIZENS) will not be getting one anytime soon--is it possible to buy a european version and change out the sim cards. i presently am on ATT. has anyone on here done it or heard of someone that went this route?

i understand that samsung is coming out with the samsung note sometime this year thru ATT, but its only like 5.3 inches.

thanks in advance for any advice
Hi and welcome to the forum. Yes you can get a Tablet from Europe, you don't even have to go so far, you can get an unlocked Tablet from Amazon or ebay, because that's what you need if you want to choose what SIM card you want to use. The choice is only between AT&T and T-Mobile and you can just buy their on the go cards in stores li ke Best Buy, no contract. Now remain the question: which Tablet. ...you have to Google tablets with SIM card, I know there are few, I don't remember which ones.
I personally got the unlocked version of the note and I use it with the t mobile card.. ..I love the size. Like you, I wanted to have one device to carry for all my needs and even the7"Tablet I was carrying around before, got too big and heavy after I tried the note ......good luck with a 10" Tablet:)
Samsung Galaxy Note
dang--that was easy. as i am kinda not too in the know about these things, i'm glad that you answered my question. i will google tablets with sim cards and -yea- your probably correct that a 10" might be too big. i already have the dell streak 5" and maybe i will try a 7" tablet. i usually carry a shoulder bag so i can just carry it like that and use the bluetooth.
Hi Cadenarich, welcome to Android Tablets. I'm moving your thread to the Android Tablet Discussions section for you, where more people are likely to join the discussion and try to help you. Good luck!

BTW Just saw your other post and deleted it.:eek:
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