hi im souladroid and i need a tune up


Nov 9, 2011
ive had mt netbook for a bit and im still new to the droid os.
it reminds me of the stuff i do to my PSP'lol
my droid is acting buggy , stuff crashing frezzing ect'
ohh yah my music browser wont play music to.

i like to optimze it for uploading /downloading' video and music oh and
to be more psp freindly'

i use it to dl my psp games,home brews ect' also to unrar/unzip to

heres my min laptop specs

modle wm8650
android os ver. 2.2
kernel default
build# generic-eng2.2froyo ver1.5.1-20110708.055253
cpu arm via wm8650 800mhz
display 6.98" tft 800*480
memory ddr 256
hd 2g
sd slot
usb 2.0 x 3

so do i need to put moe info up?
plzz help me to get the most out of it and i only paid $25 usd

heres a pic $399529885_260.jpg

Hi Souladroid, congratulations on the new tablet and welcome to the forum. Nice that you could join us here. For $25, you got a really sweet deal on that tablet. I'm moving your post over to the WonderMedia Based section, so the folks with that tablet can get to know you and help you out if they can. Have fun with the new tablet.:cool:
new promble, my ac adapter had bear wires, they touched then all hell happened.
the screen started to flash and mader a aful sound then it crashed or shut down and now it wont charge
the led indcator comes on for a few seconds.
i got it to come on after i taped the wire.

i got the adapter pluged in and the battery out. so im running on adapter only
will these burn it up?

if anyone got any ideas plzz post or pm me thanks

also i took it apart to check the board things look ok
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ssoo i take it not many ppl got this modle i got,
i really need help it crashes alot,frezze alot.apps stoping on there owen, when i play youtube vids the browser shuts down after the vids done.
ive gottin a black screen while you can still seeing the mouse arrow,also gotten the blue screen of death,its even totaly shutdown many times.
i really need to save my device its the only thing i got and i cant buy anything im to poor.

oh i really dont have any apps on it just the ones it came with and 6 ive dl,

my device has green led on start up orange when chargeing no touch no carmre no vibrate

plzz help or if you know another site tell me