Hi, new member!


Apr 28, 2012
Hi guys,

New member of the forum here!

Im currently an iPhone 4 user, but looking for a cheap Android tablet so came here.

All I want to use it for is internet use and a couple of apps. I use forums and email basically.

Are there any suitable Tablets out there for under £100 that will do this? Would prefer a capacitive screen. Wifi a must but 3g would be nice, but not essential.

Hi Angrydog, welcome to Android Tablets. Glad you decided to join us here as a member of the forum. The best place on the forum for "shopping" information and recommendations is the Android Tablet Discussions section. I'm going to move your thread over there for you so folks can discuss your tablet requirements with you and hopefully make some suggestions. Good luck!
Thanks Spider.

Just to add to my "wish list", bluetooth would be nice as well.

Great, angrydog. I'm also looking for a tablet with the same budget as yours. And I think it'd be perfect if the tablet comes with fast processing speed like 1gb ram, this will def create a great user experience.
Hi, my Tablets has builtin bluetooth (sanei n90). Its a little over your budget but if you want a smaller screen, 7 or 8", you should be able to get one that will do the job nicely. Most tabs will support bluetooth with a dongle but for built in, there are a few about. Check out redtabletpc.com if you want a good honest deal with a chinese seller. They're supported on this forum so will give you good aftersales service, like updates, problem solving etc. You choose shipping to suit your needs ( some free but my advice is dhl for speed & economy). You may see some cheaper online but beware of some dubious sellers who say they have stock, then tell you no sorry, or send something different to what you ordered etc etc. Redtablet are more sincere & tend to stock the better quality Tablets. They're worth a look I think. You have nothing to lose but be sure you know what you want beforehand. Research the market & see what you can get for your money.!

Sent from my M9701 using Android Tablet
If bluetooth is important to you check yuandao n12 (lowest price-ext bluetooth)
Or samsung s5pv210 (built in but lower memory). Both are within your budget. There are some slightly more expensive but I haven't listed them. I'm sure you can find what you're looking for on their site or ask them on the forum. Look under supporting vendors for redtabletpc. They will answer you pretty quickly. Don't fotget to mention what you're lpoking for & the price range, maybe they will know just the Tablets for your needs. Good luck.

Sent from my M9701 using Android Tablet
Thanks for your reply. BT isn't the deal breaker but it would be nice if it was built in. I want to hook it up to a BT module for my car and run a diagnositic program now and again.

Thanks for the advice re redtabletpc, I'll take a look!
I think its just a warning to be wary of nefarious sellers. Many chinese sellers now realise its better to provide what customers want if you wish to grow or continue. I don't know the legal issues but you'll find most will now give warranties etc. Your only real risk if dealing with a good supplier is if the goods do need to be returned for repair or replacement. This is rarer than you'd think & the cost aren't that much higher than returning goods in uk these days. Chinese market accounts for a great deal of Tablets sales these days & things are improving all the time. This is why I recommend redtabletpc.com. they have proven to be more reliable than a lot of other companies. They're not the only one by any means, but I don't want to go round testing them all out to see who's honest & who isn't. When I find a good supplier, I tend to stick with them.

Sent from my M9701 using Android Tablet