Hi to all on this forum


Senior Member
Aug 27, 2012
First about me. Director of a small company, originally from the small island of Malta. Been in the UK since 1964 and at 52 I can't say I feel old, but still find seeing that number a bit scary.

My Android toys. Just to see if I could get on with android and dump my iPhone, I got a San Francisco, flashed it as soon as I got home.

Next I got an Atrix 4 G, still have but only use the motorola which I love.

Bought two archos tablets Not that good really, gave them away.
My mane tab is a 64 Gig touchpad.

As soon as it was launched I got the Google Nexus 7, what can I say.
My son is a 100% apple fan boy and has the new iPad, he could not believe the speed and quality of the screen on the Nexus, after playing with it I am pretty sure he was in a stake of shock.

He just said to me, I have to much invested in apple, what does that mean, is he tempted?
Hi arcone, congratulations on your new Google Nexus 7 and welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets. It does sound as though your son is interested now.:rolleyes: