Hilarious 'Surface' Parody Video Poking Fun at Apple's 'Lawsuit-Happy' Ways


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

We know this video we are sharing is not really Android related news, but it is pretty darn funny and can be appreciated by Android fans, or folks just fed up with Apple's lawsuits. Plus, this gives us another chance to tell anyone who may be interested about our sister-site at SurfaceForums.net!

Of course the big news last night was Microsoft's announcement of their new Windows based tablet called "The Surface." During the press blowout, Microsoft released a pretty cool video commercial to showcase the new super-tablet. We shared it with you earlier, here. Of course, with the nature of the internet being what it is, you could probably guess it was inevitable that someone would use this video and redo it in some humorous and intriguing way. That has apparently already occurred, and the results are very funny.

Some enterprising folks moved quickly last night after the video was released and created a parody that makes fun of the potential reaction of Tim Cook from Apple and his team of p̶a̶t̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶t̶r̶o̶l̶l̶s̶ lawyers. The results are pretty hilarious!

If you are curious about Microsoft's new iPad and Android competitor tablet, feel free to check out our sister-site @ Surface Tablet Forums.

Source: SurfaceForums.net via PhanDroid
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I came to this site to help choose which Android device to buy. But instead of simply selling the virtues of Android tablets you seem to spend half your time having a dig at Apple. It reminds me of the pathetic bickering that politicians do and only serves to point out the weaker candidate.
I like the video and frankly like hearing what the other platforms are doing.

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I came to this site to help choose which Android device to buy. But instead of simply selling the virtues of Android tablets you seem to spend half your time having a dig at Apple. It reminds me of the pathetic bickering that politicians do and only serves to point out the weaker candidate.

Welcome Lanos. Sure there is some talk about apple here but the vast majority of the conversations have nothing to do with Apple (mainly the news for obvious reasons). Most users here really enjoy their tablets and have no reason to even think about Apple. Take a look around and other than in relation to news and for comparison purposes (usually in a meaningful way) you will find very little mention of Apple. Truth is around here most of us just don't care enought about them to talk about them. :)

The scream at the end....The scream at the end. Absolutely hilarious.

@Lanos4Sale - Awesome Trolling! If not a troll, then, I must say my world would not be the same without my iPod. Many of my friends lives wouldn't be the same without their iPads or iPhones. That being said, I freaking love my Android tablet, and I wouldn't give it up for anything. I'm pumped for the Acer A700. Pre-ordered on Amazon. Check the specs, and you might feel the same. For me, it is price and customization over brand image.
I still have an Apple MessagePad MP130, I paid $800 for it, but I'm not bitter.....
The scream at the end....The scream at the end. Absolutely hilarious.

@Lanos4Sale - Awesome Trolling! If not a troll, then, I must say my world would not be the same without my iPod. Many of my friends lives wouldn't be the same without their iPads or iPhones. That being said, I freaking love my Android tablet, and I wouldn't give it up for anything. I'm pumped for the Acer A700. Pre-ordered on Amazon. Check the specs, and you might feel the same. For me, it is price and customization over brand image.

I'm not a troll! I've never lived under a bridge, I swear. :) I use Apple products in my work and would be lost without my iPhone (though I think it's over priced) but I often feel the iPad is too locked down. I don't mind the phone being locked down, it's a phone at the end of the day, but a tablet is somewhere between a mobile device and a laptop and so I've been researching Android tablets. I also think the Microsoft Surface sounds interesting but not sure that they 'get it'. Two different platforms is sure to confuse and will developers have to choose which processor to develop for or can the same code just be recompiled?

Certainly there's a lot of interesting tablets on the horizon, I just wish I could read about it without the juvenile Apple bashing. I don't recall any Apple sites I visit wasting so much bandwidth bashing other platforms.
Honestly, if you spend much time on these forums you will probably notice people don't much care one way or the other about Apple , its usually only when someone drops in and dispareges our beloved Android tablets that people even bother to share their opinions. In general I've found that Apple devotees tend to be less tolerant than Android fans. Many of us see ourselves as more adventurous, and less conventional than iPad owners. Some of the major tech sites spent a lot of time over the last couple years belittling android devices in comparison to apple, but I think they are coming around.
Honestly, if you spend much time on these forums you will probably notice people don't much care one way or the other about Apple , its usually only when someone drops in and dispareges our beloved Android tablets that people even bother to share their opinions. In general I've found that Apple devotees tend to be less tolerant than Android fans. Many of us see ourselves as more adventurous, and less conventional than iPad owners. Some of the major tech sites spent a lot of time over the last couple years belittling android devices in comparison to apple, but I think they are coming around.

Most tech sites laughed at iPad too BTW.

I'm just surprised that this boring video is "news". There was another "news" item yesterday about a Farsi speaker unable to purchase an iPad because the Apple employee thought they were going to export the iPad to Iran. This was probably one employee trying to follow the law but the story is sensationalised by the tabloid press as "OMFG Apple is teh RACIST!!" WTF has that got to do with Android?? And what if he'd sold the iPad and it did get sent to Iran? Assad had to get his iPad from somewhere and most his weapons come straight from Mr. Dinner-Jacket in iRan.

I want to hear android news and rumours which is why I come to androidtablets.net and not antiappletablets.net!