Home Made Apps


Junior Member
Aug 8, 2015
Sometime ago I developed number of free Apps / Programs that work quite well on Debian Linux such as Ubuntu, and even Puppy. I have to set Permissions for each one to allow them to run. But when I tried to download an app to try to install these on my Nexus Android Tablet it only asks if I want it to open it as say an image, or Video, never as a program. What sort of app installer should I look for please? What does APK mean among the installer apps?

It's not an issue of an app installer. None of the apps you downloaded for desktop Linux will work on Android unless those apps are recompiled using Android's developer tools. To do that you would need the source code for those apps and would also need to port the source code into something Android can understand, e.g. Java. Then you would need to create a key to sign those apps once they're compiled into an APK (Android executable).

Only when those items are accomplished would the apps function on Android.
Thanks for your advice, it is obviously way beyond me being a simple amateur programmer only using various versions of BASIC. I only managed to compile some programs in FreeBasic to Linux by using a simple online compiler on a site.

If anyone wants the FB code for all my efforts to do as they like with such as create some Apps for Android, send me a PM.
