Hopeful Greetings!


Junior Member
Sep 8, 2014
Hi. I am a mom of two wonderfully responsible young men who were each gifted with an ASUS Memo Pad (Model: ME172V with Android version 4.1.1) We live in the New England.

We use the memo pads (I may call it a tablet so forgive me) for home school purposes, for some limited recreational games and for keeping track of sports and news.

We have, in the past, been able to fix a touch screen problem with information we were able to research on-line. However our latest problem has us baffled and we have spent two days searching for an answer.

Should I post my question here? Or is there another section of the forum where I should post it?

Thank you!... I am hopeful for a solution.
Hi JsMomMel, congratulations on the ASUS Memo Pads and welcome to the forum. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets. If you can't find what you need on the other forum, try posting your questions here Asus MeMO Pad Forum.