¿How can I disable the searching for a mobile signal?


Dec 27, 2010
I got a new Samsung Galaxy Tab from Verizon, and I will be out of the United States for a very long time, I am going to Mexico, so I don't think I will have signal over there and my galaxy tab will keep searching for a mobile signal, and that means that my battery will finish really fast, because it will keep searching and searching and searching. I was wondering how I would be able to disable the search of the signal so I don't run out of battery really fast.

Thanks in advance!
Put your tablet into Airplane Mode, this will turn WiFi, Cell and BT off. You can then individually enable the service that you want (such as WiFi).
Or hold down your power button and diable the mobile conection there, and when you need it back on, just do the same

Sent from my SCH-I800 using Android Tablet Forum App
It has a bug because he asked how to turn off mobile data????
Now that makes sence.

Sent from my SCH-I800 using Android Tablet Forum App
ya just put it in airplane mode and you'll be golden. Like said above hold down the power button until a option menu pops up and select airplane mode, it will stay enabled until you turn it off again even after a restart.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy tablet using Tapatalk
What is Data network mode?

I have a Verizon tab and I canceled the data plan to use it just in Wi-Fi mode.

Holding the Power button to get the menu - should I deactivate the "Data network mode" line?

Thanks, cb
Go into settings click "wireless and network" then click "moble networks" then uncheck "use packet data". This turns off 3G but still allows you to have access to wifi.

Sent from my SGH-I987 using Android Tablet Forum App
Go into settings click "wireless and network" then click "moble networks" then uncheck "use packet data". This turns off 3G but still allows you to have access to wifi.

This is exactly what "deactivate Data network mode" line does from the hold power button down menu. Just fewer clicks to accomplish the same thing.
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