How can I reset touch screen settings without using restore or calibration app?


Jan 21, 2012
I have a tablet that neither recovery nor update from sd is working on. I installed a screen calibration app on it, and my kid played around with it and screwed up the touch screen so much that I can only touch icons at the very top of the pressing almost all the way to the bottom of the screen. I attached a mouse to the tablet and ran the calibration app again, but for some reason, the touch screen doesn't seem to be responding at the very top corners, where the cursor first appears, so I can't recalibrate. Is there a way to reset the touch screen settings without recovery, update, or or using the calibration app? My tablet is pretty much useless if I can't get the screen working properly again, and it doesn't look like installing clockworkmod recovery or the stock recovery is going to work. Can anyone help?
Resetting it doesn't help. However, I have found the two files that appear to contain the touchscreen settings. There are two of them, calibration_set.txt and pointercal, in the directory /data/misc. Can anyone with a working Coby 7022 touchscreen give me the contents of these two files? It would be very much appreciated! And by the way, thanks to everyone on the forum who has helped me with my multitude of tablet issues.
7022 doesn't require nor need the touch screen to be calibrated. Such an app would just confuse your kernel. At this point wipe data and cache reinstall boot.img.
My problem was critical with resistive touchscreen broken at one corner. For some reason I factory reset the
device. Now the device would hung up at the screen that tell "Touch crosshair to calibrate". Since my tablet
touchscreen had a crack, the screen just stuck there :(
Then I diassembled the tablet and found out that the 4GB internal memory infact was a 4GB-SD card :D

I then renamed the file /system/bin/ts_calibrate (using ssh frm PC)Now the screen didnt stuck but the touchscreen was not running at all.

I checked /dev/input/event2
/dev/input # getevent event20001 014a 00000001
0003 0000 0000019a
0003 0001 0000026d
0003 0018 000002cd
0000 0000 00000000
0003 0000 00000175
0003 0001 00000272
It confirmed that touchscreen is ok..

My friend found this blog and it helped to revive my touchscreen. ... :D
Luckly both of us had the same brand tablet. I used my friends touchscreen calibration values.
copied it into my tablet nd that just worked fine....
Here are my device description along with the file content of pointercal file.

iRulu (company name)
Model : AJ001
Device: infoTMICm7206

drwxrwx--- 2 system system 4096 Mar 21 18:11 .
drwxrwx--t 11 system misc 4096 Mar 21 18:07 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root system 81 May 19 21:30 pointercal
/data/misc/tscal # cat pointercal
13968 142 -2705040 85 8845 -2481292 65536 800 480 50 50 750 430 417 680 3673 346
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