How can I root my Ematic Eglide Android 2.1 tablet?


Jul 20, 2012
I'm new to rooting and I am trying to understand it all, so try to work with me.

I have an Ematic Eglide tablet with Android 2.1 on it.

I've tried using SuperOneClick, Universal Androot, and Z4Root. I do not seem to be getting any results.
SuperOneClick kept freezing on me and not responding when it would get to step #3.
Universal Androot said I was rooted in a matter of seconds but I really wasn't.
Z4Root would shut down my tablet with showing no results on start up.

I'd like to root my tablet, and cannot find instructions online for how to do so for my exact tablet. I'm not sure where to go from here.

Thanks in advance from any replies.

Hello, what is a rooted ROM? How to I apply such a thing to my eReader and what is the difference between using this ROM and using a different method to root my tablet?
Will using this ROM affect what I have now (apps, Android Market, etc)?

I've proceeded in doing some research about ROMs. I have attempted to apply that ROM to my tablet. I've ended up in a big mess of confusion. I'm not sure how to do it. When reading the read me in that download, it stated "Run RKAndroid Tools as an Administartor. It should say a Tablet is found at the bottom of the screen. Click Erase
IDB. When it says it's finished, put a check mark in the loader box. Hit Run and wait for it to flash. Done!
". When I run RKAndroid as an Administrator, it doesn't say a tablet is found... it says "No Found RKAndroid rock usb". Not sure where to go from here... :s
Tablet needs to be turned off. Hold down escape button while plugging in your usb cord from your computer to your tablet. Then try the process above again.
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You don't need to root it, it comes from the factory rooted. Things like titanium backup and astro work fine. I haven't yet been able to really change anything other than adding google market but I am trying. Had a few different tablets but this is my first real try at modding on my own, we will see how it goes.......

Edit: I just noticed this thread is for the eglide with 2.1. Mine is the xl pro 2 with ICS, sorry.
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You don't need to root it, it comes from the factory rooted. Things like titanium backup and astro work fine. I haven't yet been able to really change anything other than adding google market but I am trying. Had a few different tablets but this is my first real try at modding on my own, we will see how it goes.......

Edit: I just noticed this thread is for the eglide with 2.1. Mine is the xl pro 2 with ICS, sorry.

Then take a look at the subforum JUST FOR the eMATICs! There is one for the EGL25BL (eGlide 4) and the XL pro 2...
I recently rooted my eGlide 4 with a method recently supplied by an XDA developer... you can try it or wait for my XLp2 to arrive first...

I can tell you that it is LIKELY it will work if the pro-2 has the ability to connect to the PC as the glide-4 does...

Take a look!
hello there I'm new here, I want to root my ematic eglide steal android 4. and I downloaded the file in this thread. I was trying to run the rk android while the power is off, but i'm not sure where the escape button is. Is it the reset pin hole ? do I need to long press it? the only button found here is the power off/on button, + & - for volume . then a pin hole for reset & the light indicator when charger is plugged. kindly please help me how can I manage to hold down the power & for maintaining the tablet to be off , so I proceed to erase the IDB in the rkandroidtool file. thank you much..Another question.. Do i need to save the downloaded file in my sd card? o the file where I saved in the computer , is where I proceed to the rooting?
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