How can I view my SD card files on my PC without connecting to my C93 tablet?


Sep 4, 2013
Hello, I have a Zenithink C93 tablet with Jelly Bean 4.1 that is stuck on the start up screen. There is also horizontal lines going across over the little android character on that frozen screen. I wrote Zenithink yesterday and received a response this morning. They are telling me they think I will need to format the tablet then do a firmware update. They wanted me to try the pinhole reset which I did and does not work. I have tried everything to get it to start and researched extensively online. I am waiting to hear back with instructions. I also have a Geek Squad Smartcare Plan I purchased from Ebay just in case. It could be a hardware issue too. Bottom line is, I tried to read the SD card in the card slot on my PC and all it sees is a lost dir folder with nothing in it. I have 2 months worth of programs I have written in the C4droid app that I need to retreive. I even tried putting the card in my Coolpad phone with Gingerbread and connecting via usb. Same results. All I get is a lost dir file that is empty. I wish I could just get the tablet to fire up one more time so I can transfer the files. I looked on Cnet and saw some Android card reader software for deleted files. My files aren't deleted, they just can't be seen without the card being in the tablet and connected as a mass storage device. Geek Squad is telling me I have to wait around a month to get the tablet back from repair. Meanwhile, all my work is on hold. If I can get it to boot per instructions from Zenithink by formatting and updating firmware (probably tomorrow since they are 12 hours ahead of my time), maybe I can retreive them then. I don't know. And then I still don't know if I will be able to access those programs since I will be wiping out the device (even if it's on an SD card). Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated.

I do want to note though (after several hours of searching yesterday) that I found a very informative article on my tablet problem under the following post...

There is something written in there from dealmaster stating that if you let the battery completely run out (over 24 hours) you may have a chance of it starting again. Will have to try that after the battery drains.
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