How come we aren't seeing app updates for ICS?

Jun 29, 2011
If memory serves I started getting updates to make my apps ready for Gingerbread well in advance of its release.
From what I'm reading Ice Cream Sandwich is just weeks away yet I've not had a single app update say in the "what's new " anything about ICS .
Does anyone know why that is?
Thank you

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It takes time for developers to make enhancements. But they have to have Ice Cream Sandwich code in order to do any enhancement work. At this point, we do not know if they have actually received the code yet. This is a much bigger step up then previous upgrades, so things won't be as fast to do the app upgrades, in order to take advantage of all the new features.
I just got my first "ics support " update on my phone. Handcent texting app . Exciting indeed

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